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At the Gator’s 6 - or ‘I am Croc or Waylon, but no Killer’ (DC Comics/DCAU, Killer Croc!SI)

Paranoia is not a trait many shamed in Gotham if there is a rightful reason to be worried about something bad coming your way.

In my case, I had been hearing a few ‘awkward’ rumors where the Joker had heard of the ‘Batman visit’. It was no secret that criminals were keeping track of where the Dark Knight tended to go so as to not stumble on the man doing his business.

The Underworld was not truly an open book for the Bat, but it was definitely one that was ‘weak’ to him. No small group wanted to ever get taken down by the superhero, not when the brutal beatdown and high chance of going to prison due to lacking major backers like relevant groups in the city. So, my little ‘spar’ with the Caped Crusader was seen as what this establishment was all for: neutrality.

Sure, I pretty much opened a sanctuary for potential murderers, rapists and all sorts of small fishes. But I was no law enforcer, and my hands were tied due to an already-broken system. I couldn’t exactly put a blacklist out either due to the chance of said small fishes having relatives tied to big groups. It was a sacrifice needed to preserve peace within this instance-

But it was not enough to keep it from causing issues with those that held an issue in Batman visiting this place and hearing him getting ‘beaten up’ by words alone.

So, I was expecting retaliation. I didn’t know what sort of it, but I was willing to have both Pam and Louise ready for a potential attack from The Joker. The latter was surprised by these assumptions, but Pam was aware of The Joker’s odd relationship with Batman.

Enemies, yet ‘connected’. It was as weird as deciphering cringy romance of the yaoi kind. Except this was quite one sided considering the fact that the Joker heavily kept his crusade going for as long as Batman was around as seen in many chances between comics, animated series and movies where the Joker just ‘stopped’ being a thing.

A few days passed after that visit from Batman, with a surplus of clients checking the place out of the new state of celebrity the pub had gotten due to this event. A brief respite and one that temporarily increased our income much to my delight and…

He was soon there. The wicked grin that stretched eye to eye in a twisted display of sickened amusement, the ‘shining teeth’, the ugly clowning outfit and pure-white skin.

The Joker looked as dreadful as I had heard him being in this reality. Beside him, Harley Quinn rocked her original DCAU outfit. It was tighter than I remember it being, or perhaps she was a bit thiccer than I had been remembering in the past.

Now, with Pam distracted and Louise focusing on another side of the counter, I decided to get one of the ‘precautionary plans’ going by using a little trick I picked up from Pam’s newest abilities.

If a plant is moved, Pam would ‘notice’ it. It was tiny, but considering how little plant-life really was there in the pub compared to the flat area Pam now owned, it was easy for her to feel the potted rose on the counter.

A simple shift on the left, as if to fix its position, was enough to get the redhead’s attention. The woman had been done talking with customers, but had quickly picked up that something was wrong when she heard the new silence at the pub. Others had spotted the Joker, bracing as they could tell this confrontation wasn’t going to be as pacific as it had been between me and Batman.

“Lovely place, tall and scaly.” The criminal remarked jovially, and I heard Mark Hamill speak in his stead. “I would like to have a… nice cup of Whiskey!”

Surprisingly somber for the usual Joker. He was trying to catch a reaction, but I gave him something to react about. Harley asked for mere water, a surprise too, but perhaps she didn’t want to waste too much brain-power on the topic and was merely staring at me in shock. I was a big ‘crocodile man’ after all.

“As you wish, Mr. Napier.”

It takes a big man to headbutt with the Joker, it takes a bigger man to actually use some choice words that would knowingly get a strong reaction from him. But I needed his full attention as Pam moved to ‘defuse’ the situation.

A vine coming from the small grate connected to the sewers right beside the entrance door was the first of many tiny tools that slithered on the ground towards the Joker and his henchwoman while he was talking with me.

“Napier? Oh boy, Crocster, that is not my name. I am The Joker, the Clown Prince and all of that!”

“Yeah, Mr. J is so famous! How don’t you know that?”

I blinked, flashing ‘genuine’ surprise. “I do know that. I only felt like he would have appreciated some honesty in a place of trust such as this pub.

I was close to done with the drinks, but I didn’t lose the momentum.

“Jack Napier. You were a comedian that lived near the docks. I remember seeing two stand-ups from you in the past.”

Harley looked surprised, thinking I was delirious for a moment but… then she saw her Mr. J’s face. The smile was tinier, and something was playing in his eyes as I finished saying that.

I wasn’t lying about this- before taking care of the pub, in the process of moving in, I had the chance to check on Jack Napier twice. It had been a curiosity of mine, mostly to debunk if this universe relied on the ‘Three Jokers theory’ or if there was one and that man was Jack Napier- a ‘failing Comedian’ with a wife and child that decided to become a criminal… only for that to backfire horribly in that first clash with the Batman.

“Do tell, how can you confuse me with that Jack fellow? After all, I look more like a John Doe.”

Once again, I pressed the advantage as I served the drinks. “That’s debatable. Jack Napier had quite the similarities with you. Jawline, haircut, and in a sense that smile too- it wasn’t as big and it was nervous but relatable. Many shitted on him wrongly, I thought some of that stuff was actually good.”

I leaned back a bit, thinking about it. “In fact, there was a joke in particular that still sticks to me the most. It was about a grasshopper going to a bar, the bartender tells it that they have a drink named after it and-”

“The Grasshopper was shocked as he exclaimed ‘there is a drink called Stan’?” The Joker interjected, his voice odd as he replayed that memory.

After that, he was stunned for a moment, his smile faltering to a more normal one but… at this point, any chance of redemption was gone. He was too deep in that and he was about to revert back to his normal self to react when- Pam snapped into action.

Her vines had successfully removed most of the gadgets on him before swiftly tying him up and rendering him restrained. A few of those had gotten to Harley, turning the clownette into a tied up doll. Louise soon walked up beside me, looking at the two struggling criminals with a frown.

“I called the cops, they should be there soon.”

With that sentence, the entire pub cheered at this masterful move to contain the two threatening elements. The police arrived in less than ten minutes and I had a feeling it had to do with the fact it was the Joker implied on this and not a mere ‘supervillain’.

It was a bit of a victory, but it was also the starting point for something as I asked for the police to give a letter I had prepared to Harvey Dent. At the time, he was still a prosecutor and I needed his attention on a plan I had to handle some of the crazies like the Joker. I just needed his attention and I would put the Joker out of Gotham and in a far safer facility to contain him.

All in all, a good day… but not the most relevant aspect of it all.

I wasn’t sure if this next event was planned by Pam and Louise to happen right after the Joker situation was behind us but-

“You want me to have sex with you,” I summarized to Louise, the girl nodding as I then turned to Pam. “And you are fine with this, why?”

“We had a talk-”

“On why it was best to not open up our relationship-” I paused to turn to Louise. “And this was before you were around, Louise. It’s not a personal attack.”

The girl shrugged, but looked still a bit sad about this.

“I just… I don't want to be the only one feeling satisfied. You say you do too, but we both know it’s a lie!”

“And how does going around my back solve it? Communication, Pam.”

She bowed her head nervously at this and-

“I-I know this may not sound much but I was the one that asked for that… actually,” Louise added awkwardly and we both turned at this. “You are a nice man, you are big, tall, strong and…”

“It’s her type.”

Pam’s comment left me to massage the sides of my head.

“...Fine. We give it a go, but I don’t promise for any sequels or anything of the sort.”

Both girls beamed at this, and Pam took to sit beside us while I prepared a condom and Louise settled on the bed, belly down and her exposed butt and drooling pussy out and ready for some attention.

The ‘cool’ girl tensed up a bit at the size of the meaty rod that was soon going to hammer her world, but she eased down as I told her I was going gentle early on. I kept my promise, but Louise’s own kinks flared up the moment she felt my cock slam into her cervix as her walls tightened harshly around my length.

Her moans erupted with such vigor and demand, that her wish was clear. “Fuck me hard!”

Well, that didn’t last for long…

I proceeded to give her a ‘full course’. Four full rounds, small breaks in between to change condoms, and she was soon cuddling up on my side, her pussy pounded into satisfaction while Pam ‘attacked’ me by riding my still hard cock.

She thought she had unraveled the mystery behind my sexual stamina, that two girls would have been enough to ‘tame the croc’. She was shocked when, as I proceeded to go six more rounds with her, my length was hard for a little longer after she was done with it.

“That’s… surprising.”

Louise nodded in agreement at the sight, “We will have to try harder.”

I blinked, merely cuddling up with the girls and plotting punishments for both.

“And I will do my best to provide proper retaliation for your lust.”

They both squirmed happily as my hands had slithered down to their asses and gotten a squeeze out of both.

I know I should be happy for this, and I was, but I was also quite nervous on how this could eventually escalate into a foursome or more. And while I didn’t mind these two, I had worries on who would be the ‘lucky’ third girl for the bed.



I decided that the ‘Single Joker Theory’ was the best for this story. I find the Three Jokers Theory fascinating, but somewhat confusing timeline-wise.

Also, Louise may be a bit ‘promiscuous’ now that her ‘Pandora’s Box’ got opened. That and a bit more close as she will bring up bits of her past that are a bit awkward for others to know about.



I'm curious what Harleys reaction is now that the "mystery of the Joker" is gone. She's definitely gonna want to know more on Jack Napier. Also, Joker was hit with nostalgia, it was super effective!


Oh, she's going to be pissed once she learns that Jack Napier *has* a wife and a kid (not had, as he still has them legally).


I can just see a sign posted that says "If the police or the Bat is looking for you, send a minion for a to-go order. I will call the police if you are here in person. If you are here peacefully, are not being actively hunted by the Bat, and not running a plan, pull up a chair and relax for the night as just one of the crowd."


And then she's gonna look for a bar to drink over her self ruined career and now single life. Maybe a certain tall, green and handsome bartender can help?