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April Story Concepts Poll Results 2!

1) Continuation of an Existing Story Concept (At the Gator's - MotoBukha - By the Thunderous Hammer);

2) Is it wrong to be a gun-blazing Adventurer in the Dungeon? (Danmachi, Lord Tachanka's Chosen One!SI);

3) Unsubmissive and Unbreedable - (Spyro, Human!SI) - Patron Suggestion;

Note for those that missed it: those are the results. 'Votes' happening in the comments of this post will be disregarded.



Did we get Alcides the Berserker this past week? Could have sworn it was in last week poll results.


Yes, the chapter is coming up today since I had to change the schedule for a few things as it is Commission Month.


Thank you. Don't push yourself to hard. That's a lot of writing.


Had this idea pop into my head: A young girl in Madoka Magica make a wish to Kyubei for *someone else to take her life*, enter Joan Bukharin as a brand new Magical Girl in this dangerously strange world. With the *young girl* being still there but retreating to the safety of their shared mind.


Why the hell does this makes me laugh so much!? John and the "therapy needed" girls, yeah, NoThInG cAn Go WrOnG?