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Mechanically Attractive - or ‘There’s a need for pipe-cleaning that goes beyond the tanks’ (Girls Und Panzer, Tank Mechanic!MC)

Inspiration: 325667

Anchovy felt like a moron.

To be fair, she didn’t expect the practice to backfire like this and… no amount of self-whining could fix the now damaged P40. At their school, the P40 was among the top-notch tanks at their disposal and one of the few models available to use in competitions.

Still, while they were practicing with it, the tank suffered heavy damage due to the Semovente da 90/53, a powerful Tank Destroyer that could easily crack into the Heavy Tank’s armor.

Tracks were damaged, so was the turret and the scope. This was a disaster! She was meant to use it in an important fight tomorrow and- and she didn’t have the money to pay for its repair outside of school. And knowing the standard mechanic’s schedule at school, this was a lost battle.

Gloomy and downtrodden, the Duce made the steps needed to have the tank fixed at the very least. The mechanics’ area was one of the few places she hardly checked, same for the rest of her team. It wasn’t like she didn’t see a point in being there, but she was always so busy and… she had other issues to worry about.

Like the fact that her boyfriend had just backed away from their relationship because he ‘realized that he could never make her happy’. It was frustrating, it wasn’t like she was demanding or anything but… Anchovy knew the fault lay with the boy himself.

That stupid moron is such a weak-minded dummy at times.

She would never tell him or anyone that, but it was such an easy element that anyone could spot at first and second glance. The defeat march ended right as she got to her destination.

There was a single mechanic, never a good sign, but this one was a young face. A new rookie? That was not… good at all. She still drove the tank inside the garage and the young man took notice of her arrival.

“Oh, Duce! I see that… oh?” His greeting froze, the nameless mechanic turning to the vehicle. “Hmm, that P40 got quite the beating.”

“I-It did. I need it fixed… how fast?”

Anchovy braced for bad news as those were the only thing left to hear at this point-

“Four hours. If you help me, of course.”

The chirpy and honest voice shattered that expectation, her eyes widening at the rebuttal and then forming a skeptical frown.

“W-With that much damage, you can fix it so easily?”

“Yep! I mean, it’s an important tank so it has to be fixed really fast. The issue is that I would need someone to help me by passing the tools I need. I should be able to get it done that ‘fast’.”

She slowly nodded, but her skepticism went for… two hours. It was around halfway through the process that Anchovy’s suspicion that this was a ploy to do bad things to her, like a prank or something like that, turned out to be wrong.

Having no experience in fixing a tank that big, Anchovy was actually surprised by how fun it could be to ‘dismember’ to many pieces off a tank as big as the P40. The vehicle was treated with a ‘soft hand’ as the mechanic explained while handling the fixing.

He also didn’t waste any time on that in using the opportunity to praise her for her good work.

“As the Duce, you lead us to many good victories! And while there may be some defeats at times, you still strive for success!”

The praise may not sound much compared to what she was usually showered with, but it was usually coming from people that were keen to worship the ground she stood on as a prodigy.

Anchovy didn’t think of herself so highly and, due to the fact her former boyfriend was the one that needed the extra praise, she found the compliments refreshing to hear from a new face.

She smiled through the rest of the lengthy effort, learning a few interesting tricks to use during battle to fasten up a repairing process whenever possible by bare hands of a single wrench.

At the end of the four hours, Anchovy was commanding the tank while the mechanic had taken the driver seat and went through all the exercises needed to confirm the full restoration of the P40. She was beaming as she concluded this to be a success and… she felt quite thankful.

The experience was fun, her issue was solved and while the mechanic bashfully accepted her smile as the only prize for this good work, Anchovy felt purposely driven to do something more than a ‘thank you’.

Her mind echoed back to a silly discussion she had with Pepperoni. The girl had told her of one time where he got an old man to pay for her ice cream by pressing her breasts against his arm. It was too public for any groping to ensue, so the girl easily got the sweet treat without facing any issues afterward.

Right now, however, Anchovy knew a ‘breast press’ wouldn’t do the trick. First, she was quite flat; then there’s the fact that fixing a P40 isn’t the same as buying an ice cream; and then there is the fact that she was kind of… happy around this mechanic.

He didn’t seem like a bad person so maybe she could… do something a bit risky.

“A-Actually, are you free now?”

“Hm?” The young man hummed, then checked his clock and frowned. “I can take a break… why?”

“My room. Now.”

The wording could have been better, but Anchovy was a bit nervous about all of this. The young man she had lured away from potential scandalous onlookers for what she was up to was equally embarrassed, but also interested.

That made her a bit happy. He wasn’t lusting after her, but he had some interest. Which was good… sorta.

As he sat on her bed, his pants and underwear down, Anchovy kneeled before the biggest cock she had the chance to experience. It didn’t say much, really, but it was by far the biggest and… the cleanest.

Her nose tapped against it and she could barely smell the sweat. Her former boyfriend went all out on her during their first time, commanding a lot, wanting to be in charge, but this was… not as stinky at that time.

A tentative lick was met with a confirmation of that- he wasn’t the cleanest, but he wasn’t making her gag. Gulping nervously, Anchovy reached out and planted a soft kiss at its base and… felt her own arousal manifest.

“U-Uh, Duce? Are you sure this is… fine?”

The mechanic’s words had her pause a moment. “Fine?”

“Well, you are a student and an important one at that, so… this is really fine by you?”

She snorted, her right hand squeezing at the hard shaft and drawing a bit of a twitch from the man. “I am more than fine with this! After all, you… helped me. I could have messed up because I miscalculated the P40’s endurance. You are a life-saver.”

He nodded, smiling back at her and… she started to suck. It would be a lie to say she was good at this, she only knew how to suck and just get straight to the point but… this time, Anchovy found the effort to take far more time than it had been with her ex. The cock itself was bigger and thus difficult to suck without having it enter her throat.

That should have worried her a bit, but the feeling of that big tip slapping against her throat just made her wetter. While her right palm and mouth were handling that big dick, her left hand had tested how drenched her panties were- quite wet and felt like there was nothing really keeping her pussy’s folds from fully showing at this point.

“Hmm~” Her moans vibrated the shaft, making her current lover grunt in pleasure. It made her happy- that he liked what she was doing for him. That he appreciated her rather than asking her to slow down or anything.

She was literally suckling without care as soon as it became clear she could be rough and… she was rewarded with a large cumshot that she proceeded to drink until none remained inside her mouth.

As her focus returned to her surroundings, Anchovy realized that the hands resting by her head had carefully held her without pulling on her hair and… it wasn’t that unpleasant to feel his palms there.

She slowly pulled away, expecting for a flaccid shaft to come out but… the thing was still hard despite her strong blowjob. Her gaze was mesmerized by it, stunned by its resilience and-

“I-I am sorry. I usually last a long time and… we can stop there if it’s too much-”

“No!” Anchovy snapped, then realized how loud and sudden that response was. “I-I mean, no, I… I like it. You know, we could… do… that.

“You mean sex?”

She nodded. “I-It wouldn’t be my first time so… I wouldn’t mind.”

“Well, I… I don’t have a condom on me,” The mechanic argued, clearly unsure of this but-

“I-I have taken a pill. I will be fine.”

A lie, and Anchovy realized just now how desperate she was to feel the full effects of that lovable dumbass she was looking at.

He didn’t seem completely sold to this but he ultimately nodded.

“I guess that would be fine…” As he said that, he removed his shirt, revealing his muscles and abs, all of that mouth watering eye candy born from experience in handling heavy stuff in his job and… yep, she was cooked.

Undressing proved to be somewhat difficult for her, her own insecurities flaring as she soon presented herself nude to her current lover. She was flat, she was petite and short. She looked like a child despite being old enough that having sex was fine and… yeah, it was upsetting.

Her former boyfriend had sounded ‘reluctant’ to give her compliments. The mechanic, however?

“Duce, you are so gorgeous!” The mechanic beamed brightly and he even got bold enough to land a finger to poke her… stomach. “You are so lean!”


“And your hips are so nice-looking!”

Oh my.

“And your butt is round and it’s perfect!”

For some odd reasons, those pervy lines managed to get her hot and bothered.

“Y-You mean it? That I am beautiful.”

“You are bellissima, Anchovy!”

The Italian compliment was all that she needed for her mind to be geared for the big deed. In less than a moment, she jumped on the bed with the mechanic, her pussy finding a perch on his cock and… she rode him.

Anchovy had never done it cowgirl style before, and yet the way he held her close to her, kissing her head, her cheeks and nose all the while holding her hands… Anchovy felt the pure might of love-making.

Their groins clashed, their moans mixed, and Anchovy felt unwilling to depart from him even as he came deep in her. She partly froze as she knew this could have made her a mommy, but her hips couldn’t stop, her body didn’t care and, truth be told, her mind was driven by the hunger to feel more of him inside her.

Hours went by and after draining him intensely, Anchovy felt pure bliss in spending about an hour of cuddling and smooching with the mechanic. They had gone to the bathroom individually and now basked in each other’s nude comfort.

Time passed and soon he had to leave. A gloomy day turned around into one of the best days of her life. And it was so good of a memory, that her big mouth betrayed her when Pepperoni asked if she had done it with someone recently and she blurted out a ‘yes’.

The girl, however, caught up to this mistake quickly.

“W-Wait, you mean you actually-”

“Shut it!” Anchovy screeched, silencing a grinning Pepperoni while Carpaccio looked shocked by such a development. “None of you shall bring this to anyone. Got it! It was one time and that’s all you get out of me!”

The screeching put a proper end to the conversation and… Anchovy was glad that Pepperoni hadn’t put her nose around or she would have found out that she had prepared a bento box for the mechanic which she forgot to ask the name of and… a few boxes with condoms to make any new intimate sessions less risky on her side.

J-Just for precaution! Nothing more!



The tale of the Nameless Mechanic, claimer of tank-specialists and beloved by the many girls that miss having a loving companion to bang, has begun!





Begun the Piping has.


Are the girls the tank or juz tank drivers? Never watched this anime rofl but always interested


Girls can join 'Tank Clubs' where they 'play' competitions around Tanks. Some schools have specific 'National Tanks' and WW2 never happened. Also, 'Tank Clubs' are just for girls because 'too girly for guys'.


I can't think of a less manly thing than doing tank battles in highschool....

Alex McGregor

My totally made up headcanon is that the boy's are all part of the Mecha club instead lol


The Boys clearly have Mock Airplane fights with BF-109, P-51, and Spitfires