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Beyond Control 10 - or ‘I refuse to be Controlled, so I will attain the [Heavens] to not get dommed by a certain redhead Control Devil' (Chainsaw Man, SI!)

“I like this.”

Reze’s comment was met by a nod as we both took a break from the shopping spree we went through.

At first, the girl wasn’t sure why buying new clothes was essential as she felt comfortable with the outfit she at the moment, but after a brief chit-chat over the chances of people taking notice over her single outfit and the fact that going through laundry day would literally leave her without anything to put on, I got Reze to follow my plan and just ‘have fun’ picking clothes.

The perplexed reaction to this plan soon melted in pure wonder. It was like a kid discovering that candy shops were a thing, with Reze’s feet moving fast as we went on to buy her a considerable but not too questionable amount of clothes.

She was refrained from going over budget a few times, but it was light chiding as the girl caught herself from going too far. By the end of that wild spree, she was satisfied, my wallet was crying abuse, and I was enjoying my coffee.

At the moment, Reze was wearing one of the outfits she bought earlier in the spree, thinking it to be ‘fit for the moment’ and I rolled with it as she looked less ‘outstanding’ in those clothes.

Her skin was more covered but not too much and she looked more of the ‘cute foreigner’ rather than the ‘psycho foreigner’ that many may see her as. It wasn’t a subjective call-out, if you go without the Denji’s mindset, you are going to see her as a potential yandere or worse.

Still, this was a good way for her to familiarize with Tokyo without acting as some sort of Soviet Spy. And the way she reacted around to things, food and anything in general was as wonderfully touching as frustrating.

The former is driven by the fact she was finally being granted the means to interact with the world without being forced on a tight schedule, put at gunpoint or driven to do bad things because of conditioning.

The latter was something I had over the reasons that had her so ‘unprepared’ about it all. I had plans, and I was going to be the one making the Soviet Union my bitch by the time I am done through their government…

“Are they always so busy?” Reze asked, eyeing the human waves of workers moving through the streets in a mindless mass. “It looks so surreal.”

“Japan is a country known for its discipline in the workplace. There’s a focus on having people work hard and within a degree of time. The fact that the major cities, such as Tokyo, are overpopulated makes for these sights to be far more ‘intense’ than they really are.”

“...But why are they like this?”

Cue a history lesson and Reze’s following questions making it into an hour-long thing. I wasn’t exactly planning to invest time this way, but I was having a pleasant chat, and I could tell Reze was just sponging new info with as much dedication as a kid learning their favorite subjects. In this case, Reze clearly favored learning how ‘things came to be’.

It was cute to see how raptly she listened to my words, asking for clarifications at times but never getting too much on the nose about it. A very lovely way to bring a good end to such a pleasant walk around town.

Soon we made it back to the flat, and I prepared Reze something to eat for lunch while I prepared to go outside on a solo mission. This time, however, I was going for a very specific bounty.

I was after the Typhoon Devil. I knew that the Soviets had a hand in why this bastard was in Tokyo right now as Reze and the guy had been allied right before I removed those memories from her. I had a few clues on where the Devil in question tended to hide, so I carefully got to where it may be and… where his direct contact was.

I knew he was hiring a serial killer from China to deal with this shit, so I had the means to ultimately track him down. There was a school where Reze had set her base a few days ago and it was there that I found who I was looking for.

The bald criminal had nothing to survive a quick use of 「Whitesnake」, his mind laid bare for me to read as he passed away in his own vomit. Once I had all the info I needed. I went to take care of the bigger threat. He was hiding in a warehouse. I tracked it down and, much to my chagrin, I couldn’t take him down with 「Red Hot Chili Pepper」 as the Typhoon Devil was too big for 「King Crimson」 to carry him to the socket.

Likewise, 「Whitesnake」 would waste too much time getting the DISC as its size was too massive for me to do unnoticed. Rather, I focused on a clean kill: 「Cream」 came in clutch once again, the spheric portal rushing up to where the monster’s head was and then descending into where its heart was.

Once that gruesome massacre was done unfolding, I took the leftover essence and… I frowned at the results. Part of me really wanted and expected this to lead me to obtain 「Weather Report」, but this was not the case. Instead, 「King Crimson」 could now manipulate… Rain.

「Catch the Rainbow」 was a Part 7 Stand and one that was inspired from 「Weather Report」, to an extent acceptable as a ‘diluted’ version of the Part 6 Stand. The main ability of 「Catch the Rainbow」 is to grant its user the capacity to move through raindrops and attain invincibility if needed. And as the passing of the Typhoon Devil triggered a bit of rain, I could put that to a test in a manner that was as useful as amusing.

What happens when you mix the ‘in-water speed’ of 「Dark Blue Moon」 and the Rain Speed of 「Catch the Rainbow」? Let’s just say that I may have entered the ‘Subsonic speed league’ with how swiftly I got back home.

I am quite sure I was getting close to 「Made in Heaven」’s speed without having achieved Heaven myself, or maybe I was just really fast and that’s all considering that Stand is utter bullshit.

Still, I made it just in time for dinner. Reze got her belly filled with good food once again and soon it was time for her to sleep. She had been quite secretive about her sleepwears and underwear pieces, which was a fair request considering how awkward that topic was but…

Isn’t this a bit too much?

The girl tilted her head as she was quite happily resting on my back wearing nothing but a sleeveless black tank top and black panties. She had a lollipop too. Where the fuck did she get a lollipop?

“It’s cozy,” She remarked.

“And you are on my bed because?”

“...I am hot.”

I sighed, having been around Reze for long enough to know this was her cue to say that there is a sillier reason behind this. I know, this sounds like a very big cry for sex, but Reze was a bit less on the ‘sexual charm being a thing for sexy things’ and more on ‘it can get the attention and the support of men to do silly shit’.

“Okay, are you having issues sleeping in your bed?”

Her eyes widened in surprise and then childish nervousness.

“W-What if I was?”

“You know that if you just asked nicely to cuddle up, I wouldn’t have said no, right?”


“Yep. Look, I know this may sound a bit perplexing to digest, but I know that you are making the first steps and I have a feeling you had a bad sleeping situation as you were having nightmares while sleeping on your own yesterday.”

“Oh, you… noticed that. Sorry.”

“It’s alright, it happens,” I assured. “So, if you want to cuddle up for sleep, I will not say no.”

“...Can we cuddle tonight?”

“Sure thing.”

And as we went to sleep, I couldn’t help but muse silently over the connection Reze had with the Killer Queen song.

Drop of a hat she's as willing as

Playful as a pussy cat

Then momentarily out of action

Temporarily out of gas

To absolutely drive you wild, wild

She's out to get you

She's a Killer Queen~



Reze is after a peaceful life and she will destroy those trying to ruin it for her.



Wonderful and adorable shopping trip with Reze before ending the day with her by providing cuddles while contemplating how alike she is with killer queen both song and stand. Also I can understand why the typhoon devil would not yield [weather report] because the stand is more than just the small weather maniuplation exhibited by the Typhoon Devil and encompasses more of a plague given form as it is able to transport poisonous frogs to certain places while also hypnotizing all to believe they are slugs and about to be eaten by their natural predator soon after they are turned. Great musical references and use of [Cream] for maximum efficiency.