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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 10 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

The Fuuma Civil War.

Some may think that such a conflict would be internal at best and barely external due to the implication of what a ‘Civil War’ is all about. In truth, however, the main reason for this crisis to develop was through an external effort- Fuuma Danjou attempted to overthrow the leadership of Gosha Village and implement a dictatorship.

Now, this sounds hella bad and, if your own clan members are mostly unwilling to go through this effort, then you have to know that it’s not only bad but extremely risky. After all, there were also pragmatic folks that had supported him from the get-go with his shady businesses that were keen to not follow through.

But Danjou had a plan and, much to my immense chagrin, I ended up being the thing that ruined it for him.

To make it simple, Gosha was safe in a traditional way of ‘protection’ against external threats. Walls, border guards, and all that sort of shit you expect from a village that was built to be also a fortress of the ‘good guys’.

Gosha had nothing on internal invasions. And Danjou had been moving in the last weeks to make it even more of a threat in case someone decided to summon a big-ass demon in town.

That was… rather perplexing, but not without reason. Deals were made, people in the Dark World were pissed as some of their local businesses in Yomihara were closing, and ‘enslaving Taimanin babes’ was not something most demons would ignore.

So, an agreement was concluded and while I was out to go through a solo training after speaking with Oboro in regard to further ‘Taima training’ and what path I should take in that regard, I walked back inside Gosha only to see a wave of Incubi and Succubi swarming the streets and trying to sexually attack everyone and everything in sight.

They were quite aggressive, and I showed them my polite consent in refusing their attempts to attack people around me and myself too by starting to cut through them like they were unwanted weeds to a gardener. I was not in the mood to go through an individual check on who was doing it by horniness alone or just wanted to rape people for the sake of it, I just started to kill- I switched on ‘this is war’ mindset and started to work my way through to help civilians out of this mess.

I was underestimated a fair bit through this effort, and eventually I tracked down the source of the demonic invasion by the Fuuma compound. That’s where the most intense fighting was unfolding between traitors and demons against loyalists to the Gosha Village and supportive Taimanin in the area.

Hell barely fit as a term to describe the sight as I murdered a way into the place as I knew that Felicia was around Yukikaze, Rinko and Sakura at the Igawa Compound for a sleepover so… I could focus on this very issue without much of a worry.

That’s not to say this was getting any easier. The closer I felt getting to the source of this mess, the more I realized that the enemies were now ‘military Incubi and Succubi’. Not something I ever imagined seeing and thinking of ever encountering, but the Lilithverse had a tendency to subvert expectations.

Even more when I realized that two major battles were unfolding inside the compound. The first one was already one-sided in our favor as Asagi and other powerful Taimanin were handling a demon-boosted Danjou and his loyalists, the latter was… troubling.

I recognized Shiranui’s life pattern and I knew the woman would have not skipped this battle for nothing… so I felt dread when I recognized who she was struggling to face at the moment.

Kuroi Ryuuji… I thought he was no longer canon. The main antagonist of Taimanin Yukikaze 2, the ‘Incubus King’ despite the fact I was quite sure King Kamadeva is canon and, supposedly, the guy that matched Edwin Black in power. Considering what I could perceive out of him… that was a big fat lie.

No, I knew that the thing that made him a dangerous opponent was less his relative power and more his abilities. Differently from Black, Kuroi’s body was a ‘shell’ that barely delivered back on any threat in terms of physical damage. So, while Shiranui was powerful, she was a physical heavy hitter and thus not fitting for such an opponent.

Hence why she looked quite weakened after a prolonged clash with the smiling bastard.

The fight came to a pause when I cut through the two armored Succubi guarding the door and forced my way into the large room where they were brawling. I stared right at Kuroi, stunning him with how irked I looked despite my petite frame.

“Hm, a child? Is this the cavalry you wish to get, cow?”

“T-Tatsurou…?” Shiranui appeared surprised at my arrival, then she harshened her expression. “You need to leave- this is not a fight you can win!”

I spared her a brief look, then returned to glare at Kuroi.

“Oh? You are not going to follow the big-tittied bitch’s advice? Are you perhaps frightened of leaving your mommy to a scary stranger?”

“...As a matter of fact, I consider Auntie Shiranui as a mother. As for you, Incubus, I have a question. Who are you precisely? Because you sound cheaper than one of the fodders I have killed recently and yet with odd energy coursing in your body.”

Kuroi… frowned. “I am the Incubus King, brat. And I will punish you for-”


He looked taken aback. “What?”

“You’re not the Incubus King. I don’t know his name, but I have heard he is proud of his wrinkled face.”

“...” He smiled and then chuckled, but not out of amusement. Nope, he sounded hella pissed. “Oh! So you know about your father? The Great Kamadeva’s influence has reached Gosha too! I am so looking forward to murder you now.”

I blinked, switching my tanto with a special Kunai I had prepared with Oboro. Silver in appearance and with a small glass container at the end of the hilt with a neon pink liquid stored inside.

“Daddy issues much?”

He growled, ready to shit-talk again, but having no clue that these were his last words. Right as he was hurling some insults back at me, I rushed forth with the aid of my Wind power and stabbed the Kunai’s tip through his chest to where his heart was meant to be, then pressed a button in the middle of the hilt to release the liquid inside and… I rushed back, right before he could have pushed me back.

“You little shit! You think a small thing like that is going to hurt me? That I, Kuroi Ryuuji will feel something out of this- this…”

I eased down, a smile creeping on my face as I saw the bastard tremble a bit as his posture was unable to keep still for a moment. I walked up to Shiranui and helped her stand up better.

She looked confused by my behavior, yet realized that I had done something to our opponent that had him panic a lot as he soon voiced out.

“W-What have you done to me? What manner of poison- WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY BODY?!”

As we were watching his frame ‘melt’ in some elements, I could tell that Kuroi had tried to transform. A rather wrong move as the extensive use of demonic energy made the liquid react even more within his body.

“Taima Particles are not something that can be used for combat-related situations,” I started to calmly explain. “They are small things inside all Taimanin’s bodies, within our blood, that I learned can be safely isolated within blood samples to create pure and concentrated vials of ‘anti-demon liquid’. The Kunai was a liquid injector, and I applied one of the samples in it. This is the result.”

Since I couldn’t exactly use my Taima Particles in an extensive fashion just yet, that didn’t mean I stopped just harnessing their power, but also their main effect as pure poison for Demons.

“Y-You- You will-” He didn’t get to finish this as he tripped and started to convulse.

Pissing himself and going through all the main elements of a body shutting down as the ‘poison’ was finally getting to his brain. At this point, he was mere moments away from dying.

An ugly death for a ugly bastard.

Shiranui held me a bit more tightly and… breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the demon finally going numb and then still.


I blinked as the woman just picked me up and brought me to stare right at her tired face.

“Y-Yes, Shiranui-mama?”

“I am proud of you for doing a good job, but I will punish you for putting yourself through danger.”

Despite the implications of that flat announcement, I could see lust stir behind her eyes.

“I also heard that you have started to ‘play’ with Yuki-chan. Do you want Mama to help you two with your first time~?”

I have a feeling I don’t have a choice on the matter but… I saw no point in saying no regardless of that~.



Next time, Shiranui helps with a ‘First time Threesome’!



Oh my, oh my , oh my!! This is what I wanted! Action, banter and innuendo! Thank you very much for the update!


-I see this as an absolute win ; Tatsu-kun, probably.