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Turtle Wave Rule 4 - or ‘I am just a rowdy youngster that likes turtles (and can blast the moon with a single shot!)’ (Pre-Dragon Ball, Muten Roshi!SI)

Fixing this broken shrine took a while, but the hardship was not without some ‘light rewards’ here and there.

While Lady Shina was busy fully assessing the damage caused by Garlic and his men, Sakura kept around me to ‘watch and help’ if needed. What Shina may have just briefly expected but not outright considered was that this ‘helping’ wasn’t exactly in regard to the reconstruction but… ‘my morale’.

While I was working on the task at hand, Sakura told me about this Shrine and her personal situation. Lady Shina was immortal and… she was too in a sense. Kitsune were born with unnaturally long lifespans, but they could manage to reach immortality by mastering their own Ki.

She was a ‘recent addition’ to the Shrine by a few years, having been taken in by Shina as an orphan and educated to become her successor. It wasn’t going to happen soon, but learning took a while and Sakura was struggling due to how ‘stiff’ some procedures were.

She was a practical individual with little interest in full meditation after all. Hence why the first thing she did was to call me with a whisper after I was done fixing the columns with some trees I went to cut down and smooth out with my ki.

Sakura reached for the central chest cloth and pulled it to one side, revealing one of her breasts to me. Licking her lips, she made her request very clear.

I reached for the lovely-looking tit, planting my lips against her nipple and sending shivers all over her body as I slowly teased her with my tongue. She hugged me close as I ‘milked’ her a bit, making sure that her little desire was satisfied for the time being.

After all… I could tell by her loving gaze alone that this was just the beginning.

And it proved to be a correct assessment.

Once I was done with the main ritual room, I moved to the meditation area as one of the walls had been ruined by the attack. It wasn’t destroyed outright, but it needed to be replaced.

So, I carefully brought it down without causing further damage, put some bamboo as internal support and then applied thin wooden barriers to act as a wall, with the appropriate rectangular holes to act as windows.

As I was happy with the end result, I turned around and found Sakura giggling and… quite in the arousing position. On the ground, her legs were spread as she revealed how drenched she was from that nipple-sucking. Upward was her ‘attempt’ to initiate a blowjob as she gestured for it.

Sadly for her, I was more interested in taking a ‘slower but intimate’ approach with her. Sakura looked a bit surprised when I approached her and… leaned down to crawl upon her gorgeous body, with her pretty lips suddenly stolen by mine as we cuddled a bit while making out.

“M-Mou, I wanted to try what I heard on sucking a penis, Roshi-kun~.”

Ah yes, try. She was a virgin which… made the whole ordeal funnier since she was this eager.

“My apologies, Saku-chan. It’s just that I can’t help but find your sexy body worthy of more kissing. I love you so much.”

She shuddered at the pleasant words, but ultimately she pushed me up and took hold of my pants, pulling those down and… licking her lips before a wonderful specimen of a cock. Roshi may have been an outrageous pervert, but he wasn’t lacking in that department much to my delight.

It didn’t take long for Sakura to remove her upper cloth and start working the shaft.

Her lips wetted the tip while her right hand took a good hold of its base, while the other palm trailed under her pelvic curtain to stimulate her pussy through the already-soaked panties.

“Ghhkl~, Grpl, Slrrps~, Hm~- Glhkl~!”

The kitsune managed to get only a few inches in her mouth as she wasn’t exactly a professional cock-sucker… but making up for the lack of ‘initiative’ with a tongue-work that left me baffled, delighted, and orgasming twenty to thirty minutes after she started to do this.

Sakura didn’t let a single drop of cum out of her mouth, cheeks flaring as stored it all inside and then slowly drank it. She had a curious look on her face before she pulled back for one last gulp and… nodded.

“I expected it to be saltier and less pleasant to drink. I read that it was… not a fully pleasant ‘brew’.”

“It varies- at least, that’s what I heard from some of the prostitutes in the red-light district. And no, I haven’t paid for any of their services.”

She looked curious and suspicious. “You didn’t?”

“Nope, why would I want to ruin my ‘first times’ so cheaply when there are hotter babes like you? Now? Maybe.”


I nodded. “Maybe.”

Sakura giggled. “Only if I get to play with them first.”

“Oh? You would like to play with women?”


Was she… afraid? Wait! Is this because society viewed that as ‘too promiscuous’?

…Bah! I am a progressive pervert!

“Look, if you want to love tits and pussy just like me and other men, there’s no reason to be shy about it. If someone says it’s wrong, then they are dumbasses.”

The pinkette looked surprised at this proclamation and… she cried happily back at me. “Maah~, I wuv you so much, Roshi-kun~!”

She went for a very tight hug and I returned the embrace as I enjoyed the warmth of her teeth and-

Next up is the onsen~,” Sakura whispered, indirectly telling me that an escalation was soon to happen.

The onsen itself was quite fine but, before getting to ‘work’ there, Shina gave me a few extra works around while she monitored me and told Sakura to ‘rest’ for the time being. I was a bit surprised by this switch, but the overall experience was relatively fine. Lacking sexy things, but overall a relieving opportunity to further fix things around.

Shina took care of the statues, and showed me how she could mold her ki in a way to morph a random rock to fit with the missing pieces and then… mix it with the broken statues.

The process looked to be similar to how Piccolo used his own power to conjure clothes for Gohan. It was… magic. Literally. Despite the clear use of Ki for this technique, there was something else I could faintly perceive.

And that’s where I realized that there may be something ‘suspicious’ about magic in general. Nothing I could really say much about, but I had a growing idea that I knew what ‘magic’ really was in Dragon Ball. I just needed to check with Baba about it by the time I met her.

Once I was done with the rest of the work, I was granted the chance to enjoy the onsen and… Sakura was there, waiting for me. Since it was a place where there were very few people around with just Shina and Sakura as the main occupants, the shrine had mixed open baths.

So, there was no division between males and females, thus granting the pinkette the chance to do something quite cheeky. She got in front of me, butt in full display and then brought a hand to her pussy to spread the lips there.

Do you want to do it here?

I considered this a lot but… I realized that this could be a set up for a potential ‘I caught you’ from Shina. I knew how anime worked in these instances so… I settled for something relatively ‘tame’ for the time being. Sexy time was for tonight all in all.

“W-What are you~ oh~?!”

Sakura tensed up when I pressed my lips against her flower, carefully teasing the virgin hole with my tongue while holding onto her butt.

“W-Wait, is- ih~ is that even a thing? You- uh~ You know, a woman should- hm~ should please a- ah~ a man.”

“Saku-chan. I love you, why would I want you to just serve me. I want to please you too, what’s the point of having fun if only one is being serviced. You cheeky vixen~”

Her moans grew a bit louder as I landed a soft slap on her butt, leaving the pinkette shuddering and craving for more as I ate her up and taught her the meaning of cunnilingus. Turns out that the girl was quite into it as she kept on pressing her groin against my nose, almost back-humping it until she was squirting on the warm water below. Once she was done climaxing, Sakura leaned back and decided to sit on my lap, with her pussy resting against my erection. The kitsune sighed and turned to give me a kiss on the cheek.

“Roshi-kun… tonight, we are doing fun things, right?”


“I… I have something to tell you…” She admitted nervously. “I would like to keep my… ‘no-pregnancy’ seal on while we are doing it. I know you may not like it but I don’t think I am ready for-”


“For this responsibility since I am younger and what do you mean with ‘okay’?

“Well, I am fine with this decision. We are going super-fast already, but setting up a family doesn’t feel something we are both ready for. Plus, we are quite romantic and intimate with each other, but we don’t know much about one another just yet.”

She nodded. “We should be doing… dates? And maybe do less lewd stuff from time to time.”

“Without lessening those too much because we love each other like crazy, my beloved fox girl.”

A melodious giggle left her lips. “Aww, I love you too, my handsome martial artist.”

But with that brief pause, it was finally time for the big event.

Night came, dinner happened and soon I was in Sakura’s room. There was no hesitation as we both knew that the stakes were ‘limited’. With no chance of the kitsune remaining pregnant, the only concern was Sakura’s hymen.

The position Sakura wanted to start with as she showed her new pair of panties, now black, and her body mostly nude, was doggystyle. Such an unusual ‘first-time position’, but not one I complained about as she took the right stance and I felt her foxy ears twitch under my chin.

Are you ready, Roshi-kun~?

I licked my lips at the sensual hunger dripping from her words.

“Obviously, Saku-chan~.”

After slowly lining up the cock, I carefully pushed through the tight entrance and slowly squished my length deeper in her, soon snapping through her hymen and pausing a moment as I felt her tense up.

“It’s alright, Saku-chan. I will not hurt you. Just tell me if you want to go on or not.”

She slowly nodded at this, keeping quiet as she handled the pain for a while and… sighed.

“G-Go on, Roshi-kun.”

I started to thrust in and out of her. At first it was slow so she could get accustomed to the feeling and let the pain slowly subside but… then she was up to get the speed increased. I could just sense the growing pleasure beating the pain as Sakura kept on asking for me to get rougher quite frequently.

Soon I was pounding her and she was moaning her brain out.

“Ah~ Roshi-kun~! Breed this kitsune~- Oh~ give me kits~!”

Man, the pleasure made her forget about the seal didn’t it? (Future Roshi here, yes, she still has the seal on during this occasion.)

Thrusting in and out, bottoming her with vigor and eagerness as I proceeded to make her mine for good. If before there were doubts of claiming her as my companion, I now knew I had to bring her with me. She was just too irresistible to forget and ignore- no, never.

We were both sweating a lot, my lips pelleting her neck and cheeks with kisses while my hands wandered to her breasts to tease her nipples and grope those large boobas.

Ultimately the creampie that came proved to be more than worthy in Sakura’s eyes as she let out a powerful moan while tightening her hungry hole and clamping on my cock until a bit after it was done pumping fertile seed straight into her womb.

One would think that’s where we would have taken a break but… Sakura had learned about sex. And she decided she loved it. This time, she was resting on her back, legs spread open and her loving eyes asking for one thing alone out of me.

Again, my love~!

“Of course, sexy lady~!”

The night was wild and we barely got any rest during it, but the overall fucking and cuddling and cuddle-fucking proved to be more than enough to restore our energies to full by the time it was morning.

We had an important conversation on what to do next and Sakura stated her desire to tag along for my adventure to me. And this all resulted in a meeting with Shina as the older kitsune looked a bit ‘tired’. And she was blushing a bit while staring at us both.

“Shina-sama, I would like to join my beloved mate through his journey. Which means rescinding my role as heiress to the shrine for the sake of-”

“I accept.”


Shina hummed. “Sakura, I am not blind and I can tell your ‘Roshi-kun’ is aware that ki allows one to know what people are doing with enough control. You two have been doing it like rabbits for a while and… I can tell you two are taken to each other.”

“So, you don’t mind that-”

“She will be back,” Shina remarked to me. “I understand your worry, but the role of shrine maiden is not one that demands utmost presence by this place. Only frequent visiting and care to keep it in full shape.”

That was… a bit too easy.

“Is there any particular reason for this immediate decision?”

“Two actually,” The white-haired kitsune admitted. “First one is that you two are quite… smitten to each other. I doubt that separation would be of good use for any of you.”

That’s fair-

“Second is that I think you will be a better teacher to Sakura. She is a good listener but is more of ‘I see, I do’ kind of student which seems to be your speciality when dumbing down ki exercises.”

And that’s perhaps the biggest reason.

I nodded in relief at that while Sakura looked thankful to her sensei while crying a bit.

“I-I will visit a lot!”

“It’s alright-”

“I will bring gifts from various countries all over the world.”

“You don’t need to-”

“I will never tell anyone of your secret stash of-”

“That’s- That’s enough, Sakura!” Shina snapped in embarrassment, face burning red. “There’s no reason to flaunt my ‘dirty laundry’ around.”

The pinkette flinched but then smiled cheekily. “Sorry Shina-sama.”

With that last interaction, the journey back to Korin’s tower started… this time, with a new companion to rely on in adventures, both epic ones and sexual ones!


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