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Beyond Control - or ‘I refuse to be Controlled, so I will attain the [Heavens] to not get dommed by a certain redhead Control Devil' (Chainsaw Man, SI!)

“You know, I think I can accept this- God being like this,” I remarked as I found myself staring at a very very odd sight.

I was not in my house- heck, I doubted I was somewhere around Earth at the moment as the ethereal sky and clouds that pictured my surroundings felt surreal and extremely ‘beyond the mortal realm’.

Before me stood a creature. Large and tall, its upper body mostly humanoid with a crown of gold thorns stabbing onto his head and drawing gold blood. Wings emerged where legs should have been starting around its lower chest, barely moving as the creature floated without assistance and… the single large cerulean eye in his chest was aiming at me.

I am not God, John Bukharin.

Telepathy too… yep, this is definitely a higher being.

“Then what are you if I may ask?”

The God Devil.

“What?” I asked bluntly. “Like, are you the Devil or God- you can’t exactly be both.”

Not in the sense you understood it. I am the Devil that represents everyone’s fear of God.

“...Wait, is this a-”

Chainsaw Man’s reference, yes. I am from that ‘realm’ of possibilities, yet not.

“And now I am confused.”

You perished a few hours ago, the accident caused by… an acquaintance of mine. To make it simple, your passing was not meant in your original realm and this situation has led your soul to transmigrate to this realm.

“Which is?”

A realm where ‘Chainsaw Man’ is something. It can go one way or another but I have to insert you in a continuity where your existence makes ‘sense’.

And that’s where I was the most perplexed about this situation. I died so shouldn’t I…

“Wait, you are trying to apologize to me by just resurrecting me in a world where dying is easier?!”

That’s correct.

“Well, no dice then! I am not going there without something to cover my butt!”

You are of this notion? Truly? I am the God Devil-

“And yet, here we are, debating about trying to resurrect me to cover your butt for someone else’s fuck up. I want a solid guarantee of survival in that world so… coff up something for me to rely on.”

I will not make a contract with you-.

“I don’t want to make a contract with you of all people- after all, I heard there are less rude Devils in that world.”

There was a lengthy pause at that rebuttal and while I expected a ‘punishment’ instead of a boon, I was surprised when he just loudly sighed and… hurled a disc at me. I tensed up when it suddenly struck my head and actually didn’t hurt at all?

“W-What?” I looked up to see something being reflected on the disc. That hideous face, that muscular frame… Oh no. “D-Did you just give me 「King Crimson」 from JoJo?!”

You asked for power and I gave it to you. 「King Crimson」 and 「Epitaph」 shall be your only means to achieve peace within yourself and others.

“But it is meant to be an actively offensive Stand,” I remarked but the deity just scoffed. “What?”

Have you forgotten? You seek to survive and never be noticed so… wouldn’t these two abilities be what best fit with that?

I was… very confused by this at first, but then I realized the thought put behind this decision. The original user of 「King Crimson」 was Diavolo, a man that preferred to live his life in secrecy. What made this goal difficult was his ambitions and greed to take over Italy and control it for long.

I didn’t have any of that. I didn’t seek to take over the world or something- just survive the best I could with a Stand that was perfect for anonymity. Still, while this sounded perfect, something about this didn’t feel right.

It wasn’t just a hunch at that, I just had a very valid reason to suspect this wasn’t that easy.

“Where’s the catch?”

You dare to question my integrity on bestowing gifts?

“I don’t dare, I know that it’s how Devils work. Sure, you have some angelic shit going on here, but you are only a partial humanoid. The more humanoid a devil is, the more ‘caring’ or understanding of humanity they are. Yet you have an uppity air and definitely not having a pleasant talk with me which means you just see me as a maggot. I bested you once, and now you want me screwed in the false idea that I am safe. I am not dumb.”

…You clearly are not.

That admission was followed by me ‘falling’ from the clouds and into pure darkness… before waking up in some shitty alley somewhere in Tokyo. It’s the late 90s, the USSR is still a thing as the Holocaust ‘never’ happened, and normal people die on average 7 out of 10 due to Devils.

So yeah, this power-up was not one undeserved and unneeded. Not when the other way to get ‘powers’ was to make a contract with a Devil and those were as dangerous as they were useful… 「King Crimson」 will do for the time being.

The first thing I did as I regained my bearings of my current situation was to check my Stand. After all, the ‘catch’ may be that 「King Crimson」 inherited Diavolo’s personality rather than sticking to the script and follow his User’s own personality.

The ‘hideous’ Stand was soon in front of me and-

“I am not that ugly, Boss,” The Stand whined back with my voice, giving me a bit of a hurt look. Which looked very odd with that face.

“Yeah, I know it’s just- Look, I am just trying to not get fucked in the mind. This is all so sudden.”

The Stand nodded. “I understand. I am part of you after all and… it’s curious. These things my ‘twin’ did are… wrong. I am not that.”

“I get it. But… we need a plan of attack and defense. Leaving Tokyo.”

“We need a fitting place to find peace. Home?”

Italy? That sounded like a good idea but… what if the guy that killed me was there too?

“We could go somewhere safe here in Japan. Cheap and easy to accomplish-”

“But risky as we could be found by her.”

Ah yes, the current Control Devil was nothing to scoff at. Makima may sound honestly good, but she has a simple goal in mind that was dangerous for us all. In a sense of threat, she was akin to Enrico Pucci from Part 6.

I had to avoid her for the time being, however, as an encounter now would be fatal.

For now, the plan was to get somewhere in Japan and… find a safer place where no Devils could spawn. I had a limited amount of ‘Yen’ in my wallet, documents had been ‘rewritten’ as I could see my personal ID had been transformed to show dates that would fit my birthday in a reasonable time and I had a feeling that the same extended to official documentation in the country.

Could I speak Japanese right now?

I decided to test it out while also getting something to eat. There was a grocery shop nearby and I could ‘read’ the Kanji. It was an action that demanded effort, but I could ‘understand’ what was written there and I could speak Japanese to an extent.

I had a bit of an accent, something that was noticed by the shopkeeper as I paused to buy myself some snacks. He didn’t look like a racist or behaved like one but… he gave me that odd look. I couldn’t exactly fault him for it as the USSR was still around and my surname was literally one that would instantly be spotted as ‘Soviet’.

Then again, a certain Nikolai Bukharin was purged by Stalin so that’s not exactly a chance for me to be approached. Maybe the guy was pardoned after that, but I may be seen as a rogue agent or shit like that.

That’s a good reason to skip visiting anywhere in the Union without having a fake ID to rely upon. Once I was done with buying something to eat and drink, I started to wander around to find a quiet place where to have a nice meal.

I found a park and… I was up for a solo picnic.

Nothing wrong here, just trying to get some fuel for my muscles and get moving on finding a way to make money.

I was well on my way to devour a few sandwiches when I heard something sneaking up on me. Not a human and I thought it was a Devil as it was quite short and panting a bit like an animal.

Turns out that it was a dog. Husky breed, very tame and clearly staring at the sandwich with hungry eyes. There is one thing that I like about dogs. They are fluffy, they are social and they aren’t cunts like cats. Well, most cats that is.

The pup showed some wanting eyes and I ultimately conceded to the big doggo. “There, there.”

The dog looked happy and approached before sitting beside me and eating a few sandwiches I was willing to give it. Nothing wrong in enjoying quality time with a good pet. But I noticed with ease that he was no stray dog. He had a collar with a name tag.

After he was done eating, he turned his belly up for some scratches and I took a moment to read his nametag and-

“Oh, Tiramisu. You went out to go and eat, you silly dog.”

I turned to stare at the source of that call and… I saw someone I literally had planned to dodge.

This was one of Makima’s pets. And she was standing right in front of us.




A Path to Heaven paved by Hellish Steps! Makima is soon going to notice this human is odd and… that’s where the ‘wild shit’ will start to get wilder.

And remember, Power was created in reference of Eric Cartman of South Park and… she is very Lebanon.



Can’t wait for the next one 👌🏼👌🏼

Alpha_wolf_Omega Beta

silly John, you don't run away from murphy. Murphy wants to smoother you with a hug


A tense encounter with the Controlling girlfriend from hell.