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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 9 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

It was a lovely morning and… someone is sucking my cock.

Now, that sounds like a good way to start the day if not for the fact that I had been telling myself to keep an eye out for any unplanned sexual interactions. Sure, some may be reasonably fair to let that happen, but I was in a world where it could take a single ‘wrong’ sexual step for shit to hit the fan.

But, considering where I was (AKA my room), the culprit was limited to a small list and… it wasn’t Rinko, much to my relief. The last thing I needed was my sister to develop a bolder sense of attraction towards me.

No, the source of that pleasure-giving action was a happy dhampir that had her lovely behind close to my face as she took care of my erection. Felicia hadn’t asked for permission and while the lack of panties would be a clear invitation for some cunnilingus… I planned to punish this unruly pinkette.

She stopped sucking when she first perceived the first slap on her round naked butt.

“Ah~!” The awkward moan was followed by her looking over her shoulder to me and seeing my smug look. “I-Is this how you thank me for this gift?”

“I think it’s less of a gift and more of you trying to raise a point.”

Her ensuing pout confirms this. “T-That’s not true.”

Her objection faltered right as I poked with my finger at her wet slit. It had been growing more aroused by the second she felt my warm breath over it and… I guess I can tease her for being this jelly.

“You know that I will not like you less if you are honest in times like this. Even more if it is just some silly worry.”

“I-It’s not silly worry!” Felicia whined loudly. “It’s just… You did things with the brats-”

“Yuki-chan and Rinko-nee.”

“Yes, the brats. And that’s… do you love me?”

“I do,” I flatly remarked, and she paused, eyes widening and her face burning red.

“...W-Why did you confess so calmly?”

“Why shouldn’t I? It’s not like I can’t tell you don’t feel the same and I know you were aware of my opinion on this too.”

Felicia looked ready to disprove me on this topic but… she hesitated.

“I guess I… I am just nervous. You know, I am not exactly a good candidate for intimacy and if the news was to come out-”

“Then I will personally stamp out any issues with rumors once I am clanhead.”

A loud huff came from her lips. “It’s not that easy- it shouldn’t be and- hm~!!”

Her rebuke was cut short as I leaned forth to kiss her pretty flower.

“W-What was that?!”

“I have heard from Auntie that men at times kiss their ladies to soothe their worries,” I cheekily remarked and Felicia’s jaw hung low at the thought.

“N-Not like that. On the lips! That’s how you silence someone and- HM~!”

She actually shuddered as I planted a firmer kiss on her tense clit.

“I think this works too. Plus, you have been sucking on my penis. Wouldn’t that be awkward for me to do?”


If before there was some tension, the 69 that came through this exchange was surprisingly welcoming for the two of us. It was quite at ease beyond the few ‘bumps’ of physical tension over arousal and… Felicia had worked the shaft for long enough to happily get a cumshot out of it before I could manage to get her to climax. Then again, it didn’t take too long for me to achieve that too much to Felicia’s own delight.

We cuddled up a bit more after that, but she was soon off to the bathroom to clean up and not have ‘too stinky of a smell’ due to the BJ. I think she was just looking forward to joining the ‘you can kiss Tatsu-boy on the lips’ line. Which was surprisingly big for someone my age.

Oh well!

With not much in my schedule for today, I decided to check the village’s public training grounds. It was the kind of place I barely visited in the past, mostly because I was training with tutors or in the Koukawa Estate. Now that I was free from either for the time being, I decided to check it and… I was met by Sakura there. Lil’ Sakura was already training, that much I knew, but she herself was not the reason why I could tell my visit coincided with something ‘unique’ to the training grounds.

She looked nervous, and it wasn’t about finding me there as we had interacted a few times and she had slowly mellowed around me. No, this was different.

“Is everything alright?”

I decided to just nip this on the bud before it got too weird and the answer I got was her taking me to see a specific field within the large area where everyone else was training. A group of people between teens and young adults were all looking at what felt like an one-sided battle.

“Ah! You lose again, you shitty punk!”

Now, one would think that the owner of such a crass voice was some sort of cheap harlot of a Taimanin but…

Jesus Christ, what is it with that big-ass sword?!

I could recognize that younger version of a Taimanin anywhere due to how particularly flashy she was and I was surprised she had this sort of outfit from the very beginning.

Fuuma Aki was an odd case of ‘black sheep that is more of a strange sheep’. Flashy, untraditionally so compared to the standard Taimanin and… very good at relating with crazy people.

That’s not to say she was a bad person but-

“Who’s the next fucker that gets shanked now?!”

She is not exactly a polite one. And I wasn’t planning to do much but just stand there to admire more people getting kicked. Sakura gave me a curious look as I just stared at the display.

“Do you want to try it?”

I shrugged. “Nope.”

She tilted her head and her voice got quieter. “You could beat her.”

“Maybe, but I don’t see a point in what that would lead to.”

The girl and I started to move away. “What do you mean?”

“She’s a member of the Fuuma Clan and recently things got tense for them so… that’s warranting trouble for us.”

“Us? Me too?”

“You are part of the Igawa Clan, Sakura. As it stands right now, the Fuuma Clan sees your family as main rivals for control of the Village so… any interaction may lead to some bad things. I think your sister too is keeping away from them.”

Sakura nodded and while I could feel Aki’s gaze now aimed at our retreating form, she didn’t follow us like I had worried about.

Truth be told, Aki was detached enough from the family’s business that no one would give an utter shit about interactions she entertained. But in this tense climate where the Fuuma clan was reaching a critical point and its unity was faltering… it was best to not play around with them.

And without much for us to do there without gaining too much attention, Sakura and I just went to do the one thing we were both quite invested about: the arcade. There was a new Dance Dance game to play and, since it was one that allowed the user to master more the ability to react and move in time, it was as good as training while also having fun.

All in all, Sakura and I spent quite the wholesome hangout together. The girl needed friends and, since she was a tomboy already, she was in her element while dealing with a boy roughly her age.



Next time… the Fuuma Civil War! But things are not as simple as Tatsurou thinks. After all, he is confident through what he finds that this is the ‘TABA’ version of the Fuuma Clan but… this is the ‘main timeline’ and things may vary a lot between timelines.

Yes, Taimaninverse if Fateverse but hella rapey and moderny.



Sakura: I'm going for the childhood friend, romance plotline. First come, first serve bitches... sis, what do you mean I'm too late? Why are recounting that trashy manga you got last week, where the female lead became her lover's mistress... nooo, of course I didn't finish it before you and spoil the story for you.


A nice morning with Felicia while also clearing up exactly what they are before going out and bonding with Sakura and witnessing a sword that should not be wielded so effortlessly for how unwieldy it looks. All in all a good day. Nice chapter as always.