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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 7 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

If there’s something I hated about Metal Gear Solid was the Torture level.

The sheer amount of pain my poor fingers had to go through for the sake of letting Snake survive through some inhuman-tier suffering was nothing short of memorable and very unpleasant to the memory.

I would say it was ironic that my current predicament was similar to the one Solid Snake had to go through. But where he was tortured through pain by Revolver Ocelot, I found my ‘suffering’ at the pleasure exerted by Koukawa Oboro.

The mission to the Chaos Arena had yielded wonderful results. There were concerns about Edwin Black being involved in this, but since nothing had been left behind to let him track us down, it was good to say that the Koukawa Massacre was not going to happen… at least, not for the reasons caused by a potential botched operation that led to that Canon Event.

Asagi proved to be a bit stiff early on in listening to orders, but ultimately mellowed as her mind fully grasped the importance of the mission. That and she almost crapped her panties when she realized that we would have been murdered by a high-level enemy if she hadn’t cooperated as extensively as she did back then.

We returned to Gosha hours later, with Asagi being excused as she was done with her task and had other chores to attend while I was asked by Oboro to keep by as she wanted a full report.

She was stoic through most of the narration, but her mask cracked with hints of worry when I brought up Black and what would have been a ugly way to see the mission failed.

“This is… concerning. But Black will not be an issue with the plan of attack this data will give us.”

I was a bit confused by this as I knew that Black was an entity that all Taimanin were afraid to face in a fight, and while I didn’t see how anyone but Asagi would have stood a chance against him, I was surprised when a secret operation was thrown by the Koukawa Clan as a distraction.

Several Ninja were deployed to liberate any prisoners from smaller facilities and leave behind ‘trinkets’ for any reinforcement of the Dark World kind to be greeted with. Death by Explosion didn’t sound quite cordial, but it wasn’t as peaceful as the plan that some elements of the Igawa Clan went for.

The data I had found was, by all means, a gold mine. But also an alarm bell that seemed to ‘wake up’ a few individuals that had been behaving oddly as of recently. ‘Rebellious and ruthless’ oddly.

Which is why, much to my early shock, I learned that Hattori Seishu, grandmother of Asagi, had been the one orchestrating the ruthless raid at the Chaos Arena. With Black being busied by the full-front attack and deciding to retreat to coordinate with ease the overall state of operations, his lucrative source of cash and support got hit by a brutal massacre.

What came out just a few days after these events was that Hattori Seishu had been slowly influenced in a similar way Shiranui was by the Incubus Wank in TY2. Instead of a Incubus Fucker, the source of this manipulation was the group of Igawa elders that had been angered by the decision of the ‘old woman’ to select her son to rule the clan instead of her daughter.

This move saw a major operation where they tried to manipulate her feelings as her son was slowly dying due to injuries suffered in his last mission as a Taimanin into pure hatred aimed at Asagi.

With the data being provided to the right sources, people only knew that people went missing and that their houses had been looted of any potential information by Igawa-affiliated agents.

When Seishu went to the Chaos Arena she was pissed, when she went through the massacre of demons and traitors, she was furious, and then, as Black emerged to try and stop the attack, she showed him why she was not an element he had tried to ever approach.

Not much is known about Hattori Seishu’s skills, but many knew that Asagi had inherited a monumental portion of that potential. The reports were heavily classified, but it became clear one thing: Black would be out of commission for a few weeks.

Considering his healing factor, that was not something to scoff at. Seishu herself made it back home with just a few scratches and a moody personality as she had to go through therapy to pump out the ‘poison’ used to taint her memories.

This was… big. No Koukawa Massacre, no Igawa Civil War… this was good news for Gosha as it meant only a single event was to be expected- the Fuuma Civil War would soon happen, maybe faster than it did in canon as more stuff was coming out through other data recovered from the Arena.

The infiltration mission provided a list of prisoners, but the raid yielded a list of names for people that had been donating and supporting the Arena itself. And some elements of the Fuuma Clan, the current Clan Leader included, were listed there.

The shitstorm was going to be outrageously amusing.

Still, I am digressing a lot here as the main issue was the ‘reward’ that Sensei decided to bestow me. She said that, since I had proved myself competent and mature to take on that mission, I was fit to learn a fine lesson no one in Gosha tended to teach their younglings.

I was not expecting it to start with me getting chloroformed and then woken up with my arms and legs tied up to a chair. I was nude, very nude and in a room I recognized as Oboro’s bedroom.

That wasn’t exactly good news, but I was not going to jump to conclusions just yet. Instead, I just focused on planning a way out of there in case things got a bit bad on my side.

The ropes were thick and sturdy, the knots used to keep me bound more than enough to restrain my physical might but… not enough to survive a careful use of Wind Arts. The window on the side, the closest to me, was also the best choice for an escape- it would let me land on the central courtyard of the compound and give me a free way to the entrance and then the path leading to Gosha.

Oboro was there, sitting on her bed as she silently studied me… studying my way out of the situation. A glint of pride glimmering from her gaze as she kept watch while still wearing her business outfit, the one with a white skirt and an open black shirt where her bra was partly visible.

“Akiyama Tatsurou, you are… perhaps the best student I could have ever hoped for.”

That was the kind of praise that went miles from the usual curt compliments. I nodded slowly at this, but the woman wasn’t done talking just yet.

“When your father gave me to you, he told me that you were an upstart, a rebel, a worthless nobody,” Oboro remarked, sounding annoyed as I could tell she wasn’t pleased to be surprised by the truth. “I suppose you’re familiar with your father’s dislike from the way you’re calm about this.”

“I am. So is my sister and… the elders.”

A curious look flashed briefly on her expression, but the woman decided against detouring just yet.

“Do you know why I see you so highly despite your age and despite the fact I trained Igawa Asagi for far longer than I trained you?”

I was tempted to say it was because I was quick on my feet, but I could tell Asagi had that trait for herself too. No, I was just… What made me different? It wasn’t the age, she already stated it wasn’t the point.

So, what was it?

“You look confused.”

“That’s because I am, sensei,” I admitted flatly. “Between being asked questions I never put myself through and the fact I am bound by a chair without clothes and in your room, I really don’t feel at ease for that sort of contemplation.”

Her lips twitched. The cheek was acceptable at the moment, and she nodded at me as she could see for herself I wasn’t having fun.

“Many men would find this situation pleasurable. At the mercy of someone that is renowned as a gorgeous woman, tied and bound- helpless as only bliss awaits.”

“...That’s not the point.”

“Isn’t it?” Oboro poked at my response. “Please, do elaborate.”

“I was brought there against my will. As much as I trust you and I see you as a wonderful lady, Sensei, I feel this is going too far.”

“Consent is where you feel trust is built- the moral principle of a good person, when one seeks to understand pleasure within mutual acceptance,” The kunoichi expanded on what I just said, adding some of her thoughts to it. “Many women find this mature- but I knew that from you and… indeed, this is why you’re better than Asagi.”

She walked up to me, leaning close to my face with a smile as we both stared at one another, waiting for a move- a dare, a brazen gamble- but nothing moved any of us. It was just a lengthy stare.

“Asagi would have faltered at this point. She would have been so shocked, resilient to what would come out of this, but still unable to hold her ground against a captor. Do you know why?”

I leaned back a few moments after she did, with sensei wandering slightly away as she turned her gaze to somewhere else.

“She is too confident. And too stubborn to accept the notion of being weak in some instances.”

A nod. “That and being unable to realize her own inner core, differently than her external one.”

That one actually drew a confused expression out of me. Inner and external cores… what was that all about?”

“Surprised?” She inquired mirthfully. “I can tell you’re not an expert- I saw it in training that you can handle yourself with more dignified feelings, but you have her own weakness, albeit to a weaker extent.”

The silence suddenly got denser than before, it was like I had stumbled into a trap.

“You have engaged in foreplay with Mizuki Shiranui-san.”

It was no question, it was awareness. I didn’t even answer as she didn’t seek one- How did Oboro know? Maybe Shiranui told her in private? Maybe she found clues around that would suggest that but-

“Do you feel guilty for that?”


Oboro’s gaze was now back to me. “You had intimate exchanges with your love interest’s mother. How is this a matter unworthy of guilt?”

“The purpose is not mere pleasure- that’s secondary.”

Instead of trying to call me out on this, Oboro nodded in agreement.

“A Taimanin is always subject to potential issues depending on their chores. People like Shiranui are ‘cleaners’ and they pay a big price due to this. I assume she told you this, so I will not go through this explanation- what I will ask you, instead, is how old do you think Shiranui was when she first entertained sex?”

...How the hell am I supposed to know that?

“I don’t know.”

“I would have been impressed by her if she did tell you the truth,” Oboro remarked. “After all, I doubt anyone with her pride and personality would have had it easy to mention she lost her virginity at 10.”

I admit that I was a bit shocked by this. Sure, I did expect some sort of early introduction to sex to be a thing in Gosha, but this was… nowhere near as ‘sane’ as I would have expected.


“It’s an old tradition that a Taimanin should lose their purity as soon as possible. As unpleasant as it may sound, we are warriors that risk our lives. Being inexperienced with monsters that are known for their lust is tantamount to begging to be brainwashed,” Oboro answered readily, yet she did not smile at this. “I lost mine at 12, and I am quite sure your own mother lost it at 10 too.”

I bowed my head at this and then slowly connected the previous topics she brought up.

“It’s for consent’s sake. You were introduced to sex ed early on and then given the choice to pick someone to trust with that.”

“We are warriors but also siblings under a banner. Trust is needed… despite how awkward the correlation may sound.”

“So, what you want me to do is to… do it with Yukikaze?”

“Yes,” She agreed calmly. “Shiranui may hold back on telling her daughter the truth, but she is born to someone Demons are familiar with and that may recognize the last name for. She will be targeted and the chances of being cornered by a demon are quite high.”

Which is why, if I claimed her virginity and she claimed mine, it would make her less unaware of what this meant and the feeling of it- that would help her endure it better and handle a plan to break out of potential captivity.

Despite the logic behind this, I still felt it was a big mess of a moral quandary. I know this can’t be tackled with a normal perspective as this world was filled to the brim with bad endings but… I really felt this was bad. Bad, but not extreme.

Will it make me guilty due to the fact this will leave me with numerous questions filled with regret? Definitely, there’s no doing with that… but would it still help Yukikaze handle potential captures? Yes. It was ugly, it was unpleasant to condone, but yes- Yukikaze may end up facing that outcome and the more she knew, the less would be the chances of her falling to demons.

…Shit, this is so messed up.

“Which is why I think you deserve one last lesson- a special one that will confirm your level and your standing in my eyes. Of course, this is not like any others and it requires your endurance, mental and physical, to last more than it would normally,” Oboro remarked, once again approaching but, this time around, kneeling in front of me. “I was told by Shiranui you can last for a while. I wish to see that for myself~.”

Oboro is a terrific cock-sucker. If Shiranui was just sex on legs, Oboro was the vacuum cleaner for dicks. One moment I managed to last for ten minutes, the next one I lost focus and ended up creaming inside her mouth a few times.

Many would think this was ‘weak’, but considering the fact that it’s been rather rare for me to be pleased by Shiranui that way due to how brief my visits are, I really didn’t have much resistance to someone that was taught how to deal with seduction.

There was, however, a good thing to feel prideful about. My cock was now deemed average… for a young adult. In a body like mine, I was starting to ‘bulk up’ and showing more meat than before.

So yeah, my theoretical correlation that training a lot and building up Taima particles would make my body (and thus my dick) better was confirmed through this very admission.

If only that was enough to endure the teasing that she put me through the full hour she used to drain my balls dry…



Yukikaze will be a focal point in the next chapter, but some misunderstandings will happen and what was expected to be a tame explanation may end up getting a bit steamier. Yuki-chan may be ‘naive’, but she is willing to listen to her momma’s advice to get Tatsu-kun’s attention after all~. And Rinko and Felicia… may end up discovering some stuff happening behind their backs.



Seishu is such a badass old woman hahahahaha