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Sinking Dread - or ‘This Hunger for Blood… this Hunger for Souls!' (Vampire-Centric SI)

EDIT: This story takes part in a couple of vampire-related series/movies and it’s the result of boredom-driven thoughts in the past few months.

We all happen to fall at the wrong place and at the wrong times.

Sometimes the repercussions for such a mistake can be one that we can fix and… at times, no amount of effort can ‘fix’ it. It was night as a pale white moon stood fully in the sky, giving light to quite the grim scene for me to calmly digest but… I didn’t need to have my mouth ready as the massacre’s mess was slowly drawing towards me.

One moment, a blink, that was all it took for John Bukharin to end up in a world that wasn’t his. How did he know? A few reasons. The sharper canine teeth, the burning feeling at the throat that demanded to be placated, and the fact that I was waking up in a small mattress together with many others that were soon waking up in a similar state of selves.

We all had red eyes, we all had a deep hunger and thirst that went beyond what mere water and common food would be able to satisfy. And like moths to a flame, we followed the sudden urge of checking the nearby room.

This building, a warehouse. There was barely any light in that moment, but I could see one figure barely visible through the shroud of darkness offered by the covered rooftop. Female, slender, some of her red locks were visible as her vicious red eyes stood out the most out of her.

A femme fatale, dangerous and yet bitter. Ferocious and vengeful.

Familiar, very familiar. As my brain managed to fend off the urge to eat, I started to think fast and with a hurry as we weren’t there to just stand and watch a redhead stare at us as if we were scum of the earth.

No, there was someone else, someone standing on what looked to be a small makeshift arena that approached us.

“Congratulations on becoming greater than you would have ever been, but this is just the beginning… Today, we shall see who shall take charge of their destiny. Those that shall fare well against me shall get free blood. Those who don’t shall not eat.”

Blood- Okay, I am a vampire. That’s pretty much confirmed. Still, a bit familiar. I was a vampire and I was in a group of confused people that were meant to fight against a dipshit of a man that bore some hispanic connotations. A bit of a tan which was quite normal as I had seen my own father take some of that but… That also didn’t make much sense.

A vampire with a tan? That shouldn’t be possible. Unless this sort of vampire was able to withstand sunlight. But… that’s not exactly possible.

Unless it’s Twilight.

And unless the redhead that was pretty much the ‘shadow figure’ behind this coven of newborn vampires was none other than Victoria, a secondary villain in that series.

And unless the guy that was playing it tough was her boytoy Riley.

Holy fuck, I am in the land where vampires sparkle!

The realization was quite bad news- rather a mixture of good and bad ones, but with the bad ones overwhelming the good ones. After all, I was literally a ‘newly-turned vampire serving a batty redhead that wants to kill her boyfriend’s killer by killing the killer’s girlfriend’. Which is Bella Swan. Who is protected by both the Werewolves and Vampires in Forks, you know Mary Sue-tier Plot Armor.

I am out of here!

Of course, I didn’t exactly bolt out without a plan or a strategy. Sure, there were no guards around but I didn’t discount the presence of other ‘senior vampires’ to keep track of any runners.

Still, I needed to leave. Maybe I could have plotted this at a later date but… but the chances of not making it was not worth the patience. So, as I moved through the crowd of perplexed people that were staring at the few ‘brave ones’ that took turns to fight Riley, I looked around for a way out. And I found one in the form of a small broken bit of the wall that led out of the warehouse. I could crouch to it, but I waited a moment rather than rush it.

I waited for Victoria to be staring at the fight as she alternated between watching the crowd and her boytoy, then shifted fast through the small passage and… I started to run.

I would have merely walked away, but I saw someone sitting by one of the above rooftop’s edges and looking right at me. I didn’t need to ask who they were to know that I had to make a run for it.

And so this is where things got back to our starting point: an alley, a bin that had been flipped which caused me, going at neck-breaking speed, to trip and crash on some more bins. Soon I got my ass beaten by four vampires that had rushed to track me down, some smirking and giggling at my broken and bruised but…

It all just made me more thirsty. It made me more voracious.

As they finished having fun turning me in a punching bag, I got pulled in a chokehold- Vampires in Twilight could die by decapitation through bare-hands, but before I died one of them approached me. A woman with dark-hair and a vicious smile plastered on her face, she licked her lips and was staring at my exposed neck.

As a Newborn Vampire, I still had some of my blood circling in my body- the bitch was about to drink my blood. I wasn’t going to let that happen. From merely grasping, desperation urged my fingers to ‘stab’ and… they did stab. The blood-curdling scream coming from the woman I just fingered the eye of just now was outrageously loud and enough to pause the makeshift execution.

They just saw someone die, but I knew more as I felt more. My fingers felt ticklish as something rushed through them and into my body and any pain provided by the recent beating started to disappear and I felt fuller. My mind was also filled with thoughts and memories that were not mine- I felt the thirst slowly settling but demanding more to completely be sated.

The sudden rush of strength allowed me to tense up my shoulders properly and push the three bastards away. They looked horrified, but barring their teeth to me as if to intimidate me.

The biggest of them all, a guy that was roughly two meters rushed with a kick to try and get my head, I just shifted upward to catch his leg and then rapidly pulled him closer to me, depriving him of his balance while also stabbing my bloody fingers into his guts.

A shocked look appeared on his face as I proceeded to ‘drink him up’ too. He looked slimmer while I was done, pale in the face as he lacked most of his blood in his body. I pushed him aside, with the only ones left being a man and a woman. Both were roughly a few years younger than me, with the woman really understanding that she was about to die.

Her buddy had yet to catch up with the news as he snarled and tried to tackle me, only to be caught mid-rush and then feel my teeth sinking on his neck. I ‘drank’ little blood and something else as more memories surged to me.

This time, I knew what was going on and I could calmly smile over it.

God punished me once, but blessed me with something far greater.

“W-What are you? This- This is not normal!”

I saw her shivering as I turned my grin to her.

“The Birds of Hermes is my name…” I rushed her, stabbing both hands into her belly before she could have run away. “Eat my wings! To make me… tame~.”

She was dead soon too. But while I managed to drink a lot, most of their blood suddenly rushed out of their bodies, drawn to me as I continued to ‘drink’ it. Not by mouth, not by fingers- my entire body could absorb blood and… this was it.

I had been given a gift, a horrendous burden, but a good chance to ‘fix shit up’.

Maybe I was looking too far about this, but since the options were A) Be a pussy and find a hole to die to in isolation, B) Be the edgy and stereotypical bastard vampire and C) Be a jolly Crimson Fucker’s second coming… yeah, the TFS!Alucard Option was just too silly to ignore.

Oh, this is going to be so much fun but… first, let’s find a place to crash to. I had the memories of four individuals, so I decided to pick the one place that I could check without having to deal with noisy people and… the big guy was living alone in the outskirt of town-

Oh right, I am in Seattle so…

What the fuck do I do in Seattle?



Ha haha hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! WONDERFUL!! ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! Show these sparkly ass fakes what a TRUE vampire looks like! Troll all and reveal nothing. May you eat your wings to keep yourself tame as you run roughshod over these absolutely fucked sparkle vampires. Hopefully you’ll find your own Hellsing here in this amalgam of vampire series. Otherwise have fun and fuck shit up. I cannot wait for a sequel.


Not a fan of Twilight in the slightest and I only really know the things people joke about it from it, but this? I'd read the shit out of this.


"When hope is lost, Undo this Lock, And Send me Forth, on a Moonlit Walk. Release Restraints, Level 0"


Honestly I'd suggest reading it with Hellsing ost in the background particuarly "taiseidou no bosatsu" or "when going to war, fight with arrows, spears, and swords" but that's just my opinion.

Alex McGregor

Well... I guess someone's 'A Real Fucking Vampire' Twilight won't know what hit it /laugh