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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 5 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

I am now 8- or have been eight for a few months now as time has gone quite smoothly with things getting a bit ‘easier’ for Gosha Village.

What info the Igawa Clan was able to discern from the House of Greed’s workers allowed for the R&D Division within the group to get an understanding on how ‘enslavement’ worked and how some unique elements were used to work with Taimanin too.

This opened a Pandora’s box way earlier than it happened in canon, the question about what Demons did to captured Ninja now being answered in a way that was far more sinister than anything anyone would have suspected.

Many that knew the plot would definitely be upset with the reaction of shock, but the truth is that no demons that knew of this had uttered a single word on how dreadful the process was and how impactful it was in the long-run.

It literally created more questions as now it became a topical matter to find a way to ‘handle’ recovered Kunoichi that had been subjected to this treatment. Luckily for the village, House of Greed did have some blueprints on common practices used to go through the enslavement, which allowed for counter-measures to be developed years before the beginning of ‘Taimanin Asagi’.

The good news also mixed a bit with the bad ones: the Fuuma Clan, clutching on what was left of its political power, refused to vote in favor of new restrictions towards demonic informants. They reasoned that vetting too much would ‘frighten potential allies’. Their allies, not for ‘Gosha’.

The aftermath was as venomous as one would expect this sort of walling to result into, but while I would have loved to push against that delicate balance and just let the Fuuma Civil War happen early to spare everyone a mild headache, I knew that was not something within my control.

First, I was still too weak to tackle this sort of politics, both from a reputational and physical standpoint; Second, I had been recently relocated in a position meant to ‘punish’ Mizuki Shiranui as I was no longer studying under her.

I would still visit and ‘help’, but the woman whined many times that this decision from my father was meant to damage me by not letting her teach me how to use a lance. I had been stuck with a tanto for a while, and a lance sounded like an interesting upgrade to further expand my arsenal.

That, of course, didn’t meant that my father stopped me from finding a suitable teacher and kind of jumped at the chance to kill two birds with a stone by sending me to the one individual that had close to no connections to the village but was seen by the Igawa Clan as a reasonable friend within specific settings.

I have to say that there’s something in my luck for hurling me from a MILF to a semi-MILF, but I would dare to say it was mostly because the ‘main cast’ had yet to mature to be old enough for this sort of interaction.

I had no complaints, however, as my new teacher was far more practical and somewhat far less restrained compared to Shiranui on what to teach me and what not.

Her outfit wouldn’t give her away instantly if someone faced her in the battlefield at this point, but the woman that was wearing a dark catwoman-like outfit with reinforced claws and proper mask to hide away her upper face was none other than the young clan leader of the Koukawa Clan- Koukawa Oboro.

She was quite strict, but a far cry from what Vampire Oboro was. She was focused, careful, masterful in killing and stealthing her way into missions and also quite kind when it came to ‘good students’.

She was not keen to engage in kinky stuff, but I could see through the year I studied under her that she was actually growing to entertain that thought.

At the same time, however, training lead us to also go through a few missions out of the villages and I learned one thing that lore tended to ignore about the Koukawa Village: While they still followed the traditional cores that made them effective ninja, that didn’t stop the Koukawa Clan from putting some attention on modernizing their way of handling missions. Hiring programmers, hackers and anyone with knowledge with modern techs to improve their traditional equipment.

Their focus on staying on top of the game helped me immensely in getting to learn how to use some tiny but reliable gadgets that made infiltrations and assassinations easy.

Despite that, I still incurred in some lectures for a very thing that made me somewhat of an ‘out-of-the-box troublemaker’: I tended to do more than what the missions’ parameters asked from time to time.

It wasn’t too frequent to call it an obsession, but I had a thing where, if possible, I would act above my expected role in an effort to increase a mission’s profit. I didn’t ‘save people’ all the time, but if it was convenient to do so without endangering my position, I would do my best to lessen the chances of Nomad’s prisoners being turned into hostages.

I was able to actually hold back if any intervention did more damage than good, pragmatically sticking to what was best first for me and then best for the others. This mindset was, by all definition, a fair one to have as a shinobi, but it was slightly opposed by Oboro on the basis that I shouldn’t be ‘making this sort of decisions just yet’. Not for the sake of age, she had already agreed that wouldn’t stick with a case like mine, but for the sake of inexperience which, truth be told, was a fair point to use against me.

I was not perfect, and while she didn’t forbid me from going through the extra mile to get more from a successful mission, she told me to refrain from ‘going too far’. And that was the advice I stuck to through these missions.

The only gripe through going out for missions these few times was related to Felicia feeling ‘bored’, which translated in her being worried but being a tsundere with her actions about it.

I didn’t blame her as I knew that this was as risky as a ‘hero of justice’ could go for, but I would always take her out for hangouts whenever I had some free time. That, coupled with us sticking around to visit Rinko, Yukikaze, Shiranui and Sakura pretty much kept the social circle I had been first introduced to alive even now.

Felicia was also a… very confusing element. At times she tried to play the kinky one, but she tended to fold with ease whenever someone started to ‘play’ on it. She was very weak to people just ‘going around’ her stuff and it made her tsundere side shine a lot.

We still slept cuddling nude, so that’s not an entire win on me but… it was no loss either.

We went out seven times out of the villages, and I would be able to comfortably study more of the items I was ‘given as gifts’ by Oboro through her tutorship. This circumstance didn’t last for long as a mission came to ‘consolidate my teachings’, and it would be a special one because I would end up in charge of someone that was actually going to do her first ‘serious mission’ like me.

The reason I was the one in charge was because my partner was, in Oboro’s own words, a bit ‘in need of a level-headed leadership’. This really didn’t lessen the list of candidates on who I had to babysit for the mission, but then the clues I got narrowed it down to a single name that was going to join me in a very ironic mission.

She had no clue who I was as I wore a mask that matched with my full-black shinobi outfit, but she already stared down at me with a sense of superiority that was, to some extent, deserved.

“My name is Igawa Asagi and… I suppose you will be my captain for this mission, Koukawa-kaichou.”

The face was Asagi, her breasts were quite modest despite being merely 14-15 and she still looked as imposing as she would end up turning

(Imagine like this, but slightly shorter and with a smaller pair of tits- can’t find an Asagi pic close to her being 14).

My name was not registered as ‘Akiyama Tatsurou’, but I was defined as a ‘Koukawa ninja’ by Oboro as a way to train in secrecy and not face any potential retribution from vengeful demons in the process.

“That would be the case, Igawa-san. I will make sure to lead you to success as Oboro-sensei requested me to accomplish in this concerning mission.”

That much we could both agree to as the mission we were going to was considered to be quite risky as many Taimanin had been captured in this infiltration as… yeah, we were going to storm the Chaos Arena.

And I planned to ruin many bastards’ lives rather than face a Bad Ending or two.



Ah, really early Asagi was pretty arrogant... hope Tatsu-boy can helps her with that without her having to go through some of the seriously awful stuff


The thawing of the thundered continues while tatsu boy makes sure to prevent bad from Asagi. Nice.