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Runic Circumstances 2 - or ‘I have my wits, my chaotic shortstack Yordle, and plenty of juice' (Runeterra/LoL, SI)

“So, this Bandle City is in… Ionia?”

Tristana nodded at the question. “It’s a bit difficult to explain but… it’s kind of there. There are portals that lead everywhere, but Ionia is where Bandle City is the most connected due to the magic.”

“So, there’s a chance you may find your way back home fast. And also remember how you got hurled on this side of the world too.”

“I hope so,” She admitted with a quiet sigh, one thing that still annoyed her was that she couldn’t remember how she got stuck in this part of Runeterra.

Still, I have been incorrect to an extent to believe we were in Demacia already. The map I found was old and it was given to me as ‘new and fresh’ when its truth was several decades old. Demacia had lost this strip of land to Noxus a long while ago and I was given confirmation of this when we reached Trevale.

Now, I had already said that I don’t know much of this game’s lore, but I could recognize the name of ‘Riven’. Vengeful heroine, she was once part of Noxus’ military before stuff happened and screwed things up.

She wasn’t there at the moment, but her departure from Trevale amounted to just two months ago. She visited regularly and she had farmlands to her name. Good for her- a warrior with a place to go back to call home.

Still, that wasn’t relevant to the story. What was relevant was that magic could be used at this moment and… Tristana and I had a bit of fun with that. She would give me an input and… it turns out that Magic was for me to rely upon.

I could clearly remember from my rudimentary knowledge of the game mechanics that I shouldn’t have an unlimited pool of mana, but I had a feeling that, due to my unusual circumstances, I could rely a lot on magic. Like a fucking lot.

At one point I literally caused a massive gust of wind that almost flattened part of the forest we were in but… I tired myself before I could do it. But for all good things, bad things came too in the form of curiosity turning into ‘dangerous levels’.

“Spin it~! Spin it faster~!” Tristana said as she got on board the wind sphere I created to try and pull an Aang move. The Yordle got to ride the sphere since it was too small for me, but I was having a few doubts at that very moment on how this could develop if I made her go faster.

“It doesn’t sound like a good idea, Tris.”

“Do it!”

I sighed, giving into her demands and… spending the next minutes ignoring the puke staining the nearby ground and patting her back as she got off and finished ejecting her berry-based breakfast from her mouth.

“I-I could have handled it,” She swore truthfully and I merely nodded. “I-I am not lying.”

“Just focus on recovering from that, Tris.”

We stopped in Trevale to sleep somewhere that wasn’t some deep woods, the price of the inn there being fairly cheap compared to what I was expecting for us both by sharing a single room with two beds but… then it was time to move up north to where we would face some real issues: the Gates of Mourning were heavily guarded by Noxian Troops and, due to the animosity that exist within Demacia and Noxus, they weren’t going to allow a free passage for anyone leaving Noxian lands.

Which is why I had been testing magic because shit will definitely go ballistic if Stealth is not a viable option.

As we reached the place, I couldn’t help but notice that the garrison was particularly active and the troops there, at first glance, looked to be quite fierce… Stealth had to be tempted.

“We definitely could beat them,” A pouting Tristana remarked quietly as I studied the situation from afar. “Like, it’s just a bunch of soldiers- a lot of big soldiers with big weapons- but we can do it.”

“Tris, I don’t doubt your skills, but cockiness is not a good way to show them off.”

“...Is it not?”

I sighed calmly and patted her head. “The time to kick ass will come, just not today.”

Still pouting, but accepting with some reluctance to go through what I would soon, plan, Tristana followed my steps as I slowly traced a path around most of the garrison and then… slowly snuck in a small open section that I saw within a ruined tower that should gave way to the other side.

We had to stop a moment as two distracted guards that were talking with each other walked through the entry we were trying to use, and we moved quickly to one of the corners, using the cloak I got from Trevale to hide us away from their sight, with Tristana sitting in the corner, and I using my frame with the clock to appear like a plank- or something like that. It worked, but only because they never bothered looking there.

As relief washed over us, we resumed our silent walk and soon managed to get through the lax security of the gates. Once through, the unease dropped and we both started to get walking at a more eased pace.

“There’s a lot more than I first saw,” The Yordle admitted curtly. “But we could have taken them.”

I hummed distractedly but then… realized that she had a frown after sniffing at her raised arm- actually, did she sniff her armpit? We had the chance to bathe once at the inn in Trevale but… we have been out for a few hours and the sun had been an utter bitch in that regard.

“There should be a lake up ahead,” I pointed out. “We could bathe there.”

Tristana gave me a surprise look but then nodded in anticipation, grinning eye-to-eye as it was clear to me she really wanted to clean up. Adventurer or not, I could already tell that the ‘enhanced smelling’ was a double-edged knife for Yordles to deal with. Especially when the stink came from them.

There was still a fair bit to walk, but I was glad to know from Tristana that she had a bit of swimwear for the occasion- for emergencies. Meanwhile I resolved to just wash my upper body and then deal with the lower body once we got to the Great City of Demacia.

“You’re still helping me with my hair! It’s always so difficult to get those done.”

“Of course,” I accepted. “But don’t expect me to clean anywhere else.”

She pushed her tongue out of her lips at that, giving me a cheeky look. “Awww~.”

What I didn’t expect was for the current dynamics of things to take a rather interesting turn of events… of the intimate yet non-sexual kind.


Next time, a ‘new Champion’ appears in an effort to get herself a minion or two. Sadly for her, Tristana and John have each other’s backs in times like this. Sometimes a bit too literally.

Also, Sweaty Tristana get!



Hmm. Riven nearby or is it a different Noxis encounter