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Dont forget to join discord https://discord.gg/gVEGEwZYJm

You need the latest version of Fallout 4 or material swaps wont work!

Main  file comes with Premade meshes those uses (Vtaw outfit V3, nude) body  presets. Outfits are made with those body shapes they have no  distortions, and have better shapes then bodyslides.
For bodyslides i  take premade meshes and downscale them to fit base CBBE body, this  creates distortions, destroys the original shape of the outfit.

Shoes  that come with my mod's has Full CBBE body uses Slot 33 (this replaces  default body) and are used as a base for your outfits.
Bodyslides dosent change the shape of shoes only the body shape.

Body Presets are included with Bodyslides

For Physics Download this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39088
Fastest way to get all items: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42520
High Heels System: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39850

Fallout 4 Wardrobe 9 Changelog: Beta 0.24

Added Bodysuit Zipped V2, V3, V4, V5
Added Bodysuit Boots
Added Bodysuit Gloves
Added Bodysuit Vest, V2
Added Bodysuit Arm Belts

1. Download : Main file 0.24

Google Drive


2. Bodyslides: 0.24

Google Drive 





I rejoined your Patreon 'cause Aris skirt and variations - any possibility of a tutu in a similar short style?

Rios Sumari

Tifa outfit huh? You have my attention. Think you'll ever make Samus' Zero suit from Metroid? Curious to see what you could do with that after you made D.Va's suit.


Any idea how to correct the harness which stays very "wide" even after bodyslide?


Manually with OutfitStudio, harness is made to work with 2 tops is its wider


thx, i guess i'm gonna have to figure out OutfitStudio. and yeah, but on my smaller breasts char there's a huge gap between the breast and the harness. Awesome work though.

Destin Doragonzwei

Look I'm not expecting anything but after seeing this, I'm just saying: I bet you can do a really good Tifa dress, Aerith and Yuffie outfit too!!! <3


Oh I don't know if this was on purpose but the tifa gloves with the metal plates on top aren't showing up anywhere other than the full outfit


download links are unclickable for me


look at the pined post https://www.patreon.com/posts/beta-0-30-vtaw-52935247 i cant edit this post any more