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Hello just wanted to ask patrons , where should i release the full version of Vtaw Wardrobe 4.

I was thinking about crediting people who has supported me, but its private information so if any one of you wants to be credited send me private message on Patreon or Discord or just post it here in the comments, in this format:
Name or nickname ( Optional: link to your nexus profile or other social media ) - message ( make it nexus friendly ). Example:
Vtaw - hello everybody.



I paid the annual .. Why? , VTAW is worth it . should it be optional ? well ? something like Shepardov said . I do wish VTAW would do Cyberpunk also.


I hate the idea of people paywalling their mods, partly because of Bethesda's licensing restrictions (it's illegal, yo) and a little bit of frustration from people getting these tools from Bethesda to create things free for the community and then locking majority of the gamers out if it. So I urge you to keep posting everything on Nexus, it will get you the biggest audience so more people can use your work, and it also works as a public portfolio for you if you wish to turn your skills into a profession, especially in the video game industry.

Fiddler Green

I understand what Elianora is saying and agree in part. But what message does it send to supporters? Simply wait a few months and get it all free. I support Vtaw because the work is original and of the highest quality. There are others I don't support for various reasons. One doesn't support CBBE though the mods are wonderful. Another because the person is simply porting from elsewhere and in at least some cases is blatantly ripping off another author's hard work without permission or credit. Vtaw's port work isn't hidden behind a firewall. Perhaps as a compromise place the base mod on Nexus and leave the utility packs and such on Patreon?


I'm with Elianora. A big reason the modding community for Bethesda has been so successful is because it is exactly that - a community. For better or for worse the Nexus is the community hub and to exclude the Nexus would be to exclude a large part of that community. Keep trying to funnel people here though, you deserve the donations for the amazing work you do. Early access is a wonderful way to do that.


Guys chill i said long ago that wardrobe4 gonna be released to public at some point. And utility pack 1 will be a lot nicer, but smaller then wardrobe4 :)


Is Wardrobe 4 going to be the final public release then, and Utility Pack 1 the start of Patron (paywall) only access? Or is it just the last pack you'll share to Nexus? I've no issue with content being only on Patreon if that's your decision...but I would not support paid mods. As others have said, that flies in the face of community 'goodwill', isn't supported by the CBBE modders and so on. I think you have a good balance so far...with the early access then full public release.


Your large scale projects like wardrobe 4 should definitely go to nexus, but i kinda like the idea of smaller patreon exclusives. a special shirt here, a few accessories there... i mean im gonna support anyways but it would be nice to know my money would grant me something special


I would prefer 1 month of exclusive Patreon access, release on nexus after. Just like companies like Rockstar release games nowadays. First they put it in their own launcher and later in major PC launcher. But for now I vote for nexus, I can't stand eternal patreon exclusivity.