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Reminder to take place in this months poll, you must be assigned to a relevant tier. The tier bonuses for polls are as follows: 

$5 patrons = 1 vote

$10 patrons = 1 vote

$20 patrons = 2 votes

$45 patrons = 3 votes


Votes are weighted by tier, meaning if you really want to receive all the new benefits of being a Patreon, please make sure you've selected an appropriate tier to get access to your poll!

This month's poll is also being done in two phases:

Feb 13th to Feb 20th: Cosplay

Feb 20th to Feb 27th: Character

After each poll we'll public post the results on Patreon. You'll be able to vote for the cosplay, and the character separately, and that will determine's Moekki's art stream at the end of the month!




Have you guys tried to advertise your games more? I mean you guys make wonderful quality and it's surprising you're not making as much as you should. I think you'd make so much more money if more people simply knew about it. Try promoting it with videos, spread it to forums or social media, check other patreon's to see how they work, or something along those lines. Heck, ask other patreon creators if you could advertise in their comments (with permission) and you'll get sooo much more support and money. Anyways, I wish you all good luck and keep up the good work :)


Thanks, we're steadily working on improving our PR. We've spent so much time focusing on Dizzy Hearts, Mutiny!!, and Menagerie, we've neglected our growith.