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Moekki (one of the artists who worked on Katawa Shoujo) has such a different style from mine, that it's been interesting working together.

Me and Moekki are teaming together in a completely unique workflow that has us working together to combine the strengths of each of us, in sketching, rendering, color, and more.

The visuals in Menagerie remake will look different from my other games, and it's a concept I have been toying with in the future, of changing my workflow, and art style depending on the game!

(Menagerie remake will be a sister game to Dizzy Hearts, appearing in the same world. these two games represent the solar and lunar duality to the world.)




This type of evolution is one of the reasons I love Lupiesoft. There are so many reasons to be in love with this company, but see it grow makes me happy.