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This is how she filters people out. You don't even have to read it, she just appreciates if you take the extra effort to understand her hobby, what a fumble.



Kenno Arkkan

Contextman is here. The original quijote was written in both "common" spanish and "Even older" spanish (this is a book from 1615) this even older spanish used different symbols for some letters that we use today. i never understood it clearly but it seemed to change every other H and S for a funky f ( i think its ſ ), as well as dropping a random ç every now and then. So yeah i think its a dyslexia simulator turned novel, about a man going mad for reading too many books about knighthood. Part of the experience i guess.


Its about the original Otaku. A man so obsessed about his favorite books about Knights he schizo roleplayed one.