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Postgame 92

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Good discussion. I live in 17. Deluzio was targeted as a socialist and professor, the latter being worse. Summer Lee did good too against the “bad” Mike Doyle. Fettermans position on fracking is basically realpolitik in the absence of a better alternative.


Not very well rounded argument but here's my $0.02: I absolutely disagree that ACAB is a critique of individual police. When I use it I'm critiquing the institution currently established. Abolitionists don't focus on just police officers, but all incarceration as a whole. The internal mechanisms in place for police to investigate themselves are minimal and tertiary at best. I don't believe ACAB means police in and of themselves are bad people but that they are inherently oppressive in their role/function by design. However, ACAB is meant to sort of slap a certain person across the face; it's punchy to start the conversation. The few people I know to react negatively to the phrase have been my bosses and people who defend capitalism. ACAB is being ruthless with the institution to try to create space for being kind to people - even individual police. And Defund pairs well with that objective in that the goal is to invest in alternatives - to give people job opportunities in the community that don't serve the carceral state. I don't want police as currently designed, I want them to be replaced with a care economy (for lack of a better phrase). Policing is too connected to the military industrial complex which strengthens the otherization imposed by the police on the community. RSOs in schools have never been the good guys. The statistics of police abuse are staggering. Civil asset forfeiture is massive in scale. Rape kits - they don't test them. Police maintain the reserve army of labor via incarceration. Last point in the caller's defense, I say Bad as opposed to Bastards; the latter does feel like more of an individual attack but the systemic critique is still the same.