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Matt and David discuss the opening and most famous section of Marx's The German Ideology,  a critique of German philosophy and importantly an outlining of historical materialism.

Read here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/german-ideology/ch01a.htm

Listen here: https://youtu.be/ERf6Qvqwr6g


German Ideology



Y’all, I love you guys. Big fan. Devastated when Michael passed. Regular listener since TMBS, and I really appreciate Left Reckoning. But if y’all are gonna dissect this kind of material, you have GOT to inform yourselves in contemporary, Indigenous understandings of Marx (Red Skin White Masks would be helpful), AND contemporary understandings of animism (we are living in a web of relationships of which humans are one member, and the newest at that; basically all traditional cultures are built on this basic, dare I say, MATERIALIST! 😆understanding of life.) Materialism is right on. Really important contribution by Marx. We can’t do anything if we don’t ground our analysis of society in the actual, material circumstances of life and production. But please, PLEASE, do not regurgitate Marx’s extremely limited understanding of human societies outside of his own, and/or his Enlightenment era misunderstandings and prejudices around “uncivilized” cultures and/or origins of human life and society. This is so painful, I am having a hard time listening.