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Hey y'all it's time for September's Think - get your questions and topics in below for Matt & Dave, you can also leave us a voicemail at (+1) 940-289-7234 - and if you have any sound or video you'd like us to include you can send it to leftreckoning@gmail.com 

See y'all this weekend! 



Hi Matt and David, sorry if this question has already been and asked and answered. I was wondering what you all think would be a good place to start reading theory.

Joe Snuffy

He guys, so I've started watching a great series on the history of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 and I was surprised to learn that Karl Marx supported the war. In "Die Franzosen brauchen Prügel" he wrote: "The French need a beating. If the Prussians win, the centralization of state power will be useful to the centralization of the German working class. The German preponderance will also shift the center of gravity of the West European working-class movement from France to Germany [and] the German working class is theoretically and organizationally superior to the French." What is the Marxist take on his position on this war? He was correct that the war did result in the centralization of state power for Germany, in fact this was the war which birthed modern day Germany as a single nation, but did his conclusion that said centralization served the interests of the German working class make sense? In hindsight the rise of German fascism suggests the answer is no but that only happened 60 years later after a period where an organized and politically mobilized German working class did at least contest power. What do you guys think?