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Matt and David talk Mick Lynch and Eddie Dempsey in the pub, tiktok and Thomas Jefferson, veganism, plus your calls and IMs


Think Tank August 2022

Matt and David talk Mick Lynch and Eddie Dempsey in the pub, tiktok and Thomas Jefferson, veganism, plus your calls and IMs



Personally, I think it's probably best not to comment on veganism either way (from an environmental, ethical, nutritional standpoint). Too much to go into, but doesn't come off as informed. This from a member of a Texas cattle family who has raised cattle until high school (at times chicken, pigs etc and participated in livestock shows), ate meat until 27/28. The albeit brief segment doesn't come off as informed about the pros or cons of veganism tbh.


Mostly agree. I’m vegan but would never make the argument that eating meat is “unnatural” or inherently inhumane. I can’t even really bring myself to advocate for veganism, much of the info is widely available and individual consumer ethics are not politically meaningful. However, why not dismantle the boutique-lifestyle paradigm for veganism much in the same way we do for renewables? Why not think of a more vegan future as a more modern one?More abundant. More technologically advanced and better suited to providing high quality nutrition on a mass scale. Obviously thinking very big and long-term here, but why not effectively make animal products, along with fossil fuels and private transportation, the exception and not the rule? And let’s not be dietary moralists or Bill de Blasios, fast/junk food culture is welcome to outlive our dependence on factory livestock. Vegan big macs for all