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Hey patrons please enjoy this sneak peek of our video essay "What Was Left Populism" - hoping to get out part 2 which takes a closer look at modern politics, and, Bernie & Corbyn, in the next two weeks. 

This is our first attempt, so let us know what you think and if we should tackle more subjects in the future! 

Appreciate y'all!

- Dave & Matt

Communist Manifesto -  https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch04.htm

Sam Gindin "We Need a Politics That Is Not Only Class-Focused, but Class-Rooted"

Panitch Lectures:   
Leo Panitch: Whose Crisis? Capital, States and Labour Today


Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ 


Leo Panitch: Utopia, Strategy, Democracy - Transformative Challenges for the Left 



Sneak Peek: What Was Left Populism? Part. 1

Hey patrons please enjoy this sneak peek of our video essay "What Was Left Populism" Works cited: Communist Manifesto - https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch04.htm Sam Gindin "We Need a Politics That Is Not Only Class-Focused, but Class-Rooted" https://jacobin.com/2020/08/politics-class-consciousness Panitch Lectures: Leo Panitch: Whose Crisis? Capital, States and Labour Today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZf7xOjnAQ Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI7EF-btLCc&t=1315s Leo Panitch: Utopia, Strategy, Democracy - Transformative Challenges for the Left https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXkKlpTWbtQ



raw audio forthcoming?


Excellent job David! This is really valuable to someone like me that’s relatively new to socialism. I spread the word on Twitter too!