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Matt is joined by Carl Beijer (@CarlBeijer) to discuss Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Also, North Dakota's Non-Partisan League.


Joshua Baker

the only solution is to end crisis ASAP regardless of compromises which will benefit Russia. It's about preserving human lives.

J P 3

Overall a very good discussion. One other claim regarding the use of economic sanctions is that they will limit Russia capacity to wage war. Of all the potential arguments this is the I find the most persuasive. e.g. in the case of Iraq, Sadaam wasn't able to project power in the region after the 1990s. This was actually one of the reasons that the 2003 invasion was so incredibly stupid. He was effectively contained. Of course there are larger questions about the humanitarian cost of those sanctions. As far as the "left" position on this war goes, it's a purely academic question. The "left" in the global north has no real economic or political power. We are almost entirely ancillary to this whole process at the present time.