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Hey ya'll, reply to this post with questions and topics you would like to hear Matt & David break down for this week's Think Tank.




How much do you think conservatism is a means for people to assuage their feelings of guilt at living on the backs of slave/sweatshop labour among other injustices. In the last week I have had an Asian liberal friend reveal they think poor people are paying for sins in a past life, & a European rant about race IQ. It seems injustice piques guilt in many, & conservatism soothes guilt quickly for those in denial of reality. Thoughts?


Do you believe there is a chance that Steven Crowder might be eventually kicked off every non-right leaning social media platform? He seems to tread the line that Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos did when they got the boot. Or is Crowder's audience too big (profitable) to alienate? Thanks for any opinion you wish to share!