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CEOS vs the deep state and demons. 

Paul Prescod (@Paul_Prescod) is running for state senate in Pennsylvania, support him below. Why the state senate? Education, healthcare, green jobs/just transition. How the left addresses violent crime.

Also, Xiomara Castro's victory in Honduras and the 2009 coup.

And a classic GEM segment on the current inflation panic.

Donate to Paul! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fri... 

Follow Paul Prescod on Twitter https://twitter.com/paul_prescod  

Visit his website https://www.paulprescod.com/



Hey LR... the actblue link in this episode for Paul Prescod actually goes to fundraiser for Ken deMerchant. Only realizing this AFTER donating.


Strange Dave don't know what happened there, but it's gone now. Sorry for the hassle, act blue makes it relatively easy to get your money back - but sorry for the bad link, it got changed somehow....


Thanks y'all. Have asked act blue for a refund. Hoping I can redirect it to Paul's campaign. He's the kind of candidate we need 1000 more of.