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Hey y’all this weekend we will be doing a left reckoning think tank - reply to this post with any questions or topics that you’d like to see us tackle!

Thanks to the Left Reckoning community



Hey guys. Been thinking about issues with sports and money recently, after a fairly apolitical friend who I watch a lot of soccer with said it had ultimately benefited from influx of corporate money. On the one hand, there is something uncomfortable as a sports fan when say, Roger Federer is now nearly a billionaire because of corporate endorsements. And when people say that sports stars make too much money, they have a point. On the other hand, even if sport was democratically owned and managed, I don't necessarily think you would get rid of all financial disparities. There would still likely be a lot of money in the game if it was professional rather than amateur, and the top athletes getting paid a lot more than e.g. the cleaners or food vendors in stadiums. Curious as to what you guys think. Keep up the good work.


In the public discourse, do the terms socialism and communism need any particular clarification or focus in their distinction?