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23 - Ilhan Is Right, KeystoneXL DEAD, and Peru Libre! ft. Joshua Kahn Russell

full show at patreon.com/leftreckoning



This was a fantastic episode. I always feel blessed to listen to Joshua Kahn Russell talk about organizing, activism, & especially plant-based medicines. He mentions the series he's doing with Breht at RevLeft Radio and I definitely recommend all 3 podcasts that Breht is involved with: RevLeft, Guerrilla History, & Red Menace. They are all top-notch!


You guys need another opening country tune for when the opening clip is of a different mood. The one you have works really well when we're having fun, like when it's just some dumb public figure with a goofy take, but it works less well when the clip is more serious. Like it's got to get us from somber to having fun, and we can get there pretty fast, but it's weird when the fun music is playing while vp harris tells guatemalans not to seek asylum here