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Thank all of you so much for all of the support, I'll be doing an early afternoon Griscom stream to celebrate 10k - come by and let me know below if there is anything that folks want to talk about. 

Also this week's show Matt & I will be joined by Jathan Sadowski host of This Machine Kills Podcast & author of Too Smart: How Digital Capitalism is Extracting Data, Controlling Our Lives, and Taking Over the World. It should be a good one. 


Thanks For 10K + Q&A @ 2 CST/3 EST - Griscom Stream

Seriously thank y'all


Joe Snuffy

Average folks are being primed to react hostily to any leftist policy as a baseline. They are being trained to subconsciously presume that we have already gone too far left and so they shouldn't listen to and consider any leftist policies. People misunderstand the political pendulum as a natural thing that simply exists but this is wrong. Leftward shifts of the pendulum are natural, but rightward ones are always artificially constructed by political media and politicians. The right is trying to artificially create a pendulum swing back to the right, and if we don't work out how to counter their core message they will probably succeed.


Joe, that's a good point. I feel like we have to question what they mean when they say "the left has gone too far". They usually say that in the context of whatever the latest culture war BS they're trying to stir up. If we're talking about materially improving people's lives, I think they have a hard time defending the notion that whatever meager safety net or temporary economic relief that exists is "too far left".