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David and Matt talk about Biden's free school lunch extension and keeping our heads about "pushing him left" in an era of freer state intervention in the economy.

Then, Charmaine Chua (@CharmaineSChua) and Ted from Amazonians United join us to discuss organizing against Amazon post-Bessemer andin an age of just-in-time production.

Finally, Nando breaks down the colossal and welcome failure of the soccer "Superleague" and why the capitalists involved didnt have their s%%% together.

Support Amazon workers here https://www.amazoniansunited.org/

The Left Reckoning artwork was made by Grant Ertl
The music was composed and performed by Christoph Bruhn



Great analysis and deeply frustrated by a lot of British left analysis of Biden that sees the left as just liberalism, but a bit more. I think there's a danger of seeing universal healthcare and education, which Biden is opposed to, as just niceties or good policy options, rather than class-rooted.