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First, the fight against Amazon and to organize workers continues.

Nathan Bernard (@NathanTBernard) joins us to talk about Portland, Maine nurses organizing and the liberal union buster brought in to stop them, as seen in his piece "“Liberal” Union Buster on the Loose in Portland" in Mainer News.

Finally, oil externalities in Texas, elections in Ecuador and Peru, and Kamala's Water Wars.



Have y’all seen this Hill piece?: https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/547426-big-labor-efforts-threaten-choices-and-freedoms-for-working-women?fbclid=IwAR18AjS2kVT-EAM1bBmYlBCErWLRkRAHflRO--YZdg4ZRyccwgkMdYIROpg (would love to hear your thoughts on this)