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Hey everyone! 

Some really interesting pieces in today's readings. First up is a piece by the great Marxist James Connolly on class war and the state. We are hoping to do a lot more regarding his work in the future so be on the lookout for that. Next up are two sections on reform v. revolution question. First is Rosa Luxemburg's analysis of the reformist movement - familiarity with her work on reformism is critical for how we analyze. Panitch has criticisms of this framing especially in the way that Rosa's arguments are brought into the present without much need for contextualization - so regarding that, I have Panitch responding to the questions raised by SYRIZA's rise and eventual breakdown in power. 

As always if there are future topics you'd be interested in let me know. 

- David 


Class Government & Class War, James Connolly - 1901  

Reform or Revolution Rosa Luxemburg - 1898 

Class Party & The Challenge of State Transformation, Leo Panitch Sam Gindin, 2016 



Here's the lectures, highly recommended of course. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPDZ9rcIfxyO0K6sjLn8AH_QMFlPmkred


Here we go, her name is Chanté Mouton Kinyon Not a student of Cornel West, but a colleague. Her work looks absolutely fascinating. Get into it comrades ❤️