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Episode 10 - The Gilded Age Returns But So Does Lula ft. Matt Karp

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J P 3

Karp's article was great and persuasive. However, these conclusions are still contingent. Are we living in a kind of accelerated timeline? How much of the party "realignment" holds in elections without Trump's constant presence? With many of these suburban voters too, how many of these voters are going to be actively engaged now that Trump is in semi-retirement? At the level of the party base, the take over of the Nevada state party Dem Party by Bernie and DSA forces could be a harbinger (with respect to the power of organizing, and the response by party officials). David Broder's thesis that western democracies are "turning into Italy" is also a useful rubric for understanding what's happening ("First They Took Rome: How the Populist Right Took Italy"). e.g. in a universe where political party bases have been hollowed out, and where politics is mediated largely through media, and personalities, these party coalitions tend to be much less stable. As an additional note, my sense is that we may see a bit of a return to pre-2018 elections with Trump absence lowering the temperature and national focus on politics. The net result might be something closer to 2010/2014 than 2018 in terms of turnout. I also don't think it's a given that 2022 is going to be bad for the Dems as is usually the case for the party in power. The COVID stimulus isn't optimal, and definitely is not a structural change, but it is a building block that probably will help to ensure that economic conditions are better in 2022 than they were in 2010 (or 2014). If the Dems are able to pass voting rights protections too, that should help.


Oh my GOD that Lula clip. Lula Livre!