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Hello everyone. We are so excited to fully launch Left Reckoning this Thursday at 7 EST. Matt and I will be joined by the great Malaika Jabali - to talk what's next for the left, the Georgia election, and how you won't get a party without the people! After the show we will also be hosting our first patron only postgame, hope y'all will join us. 

Also later tonight, around 11 EST Matt will be on Twitch listening to the hilariously rich and absurd leaked Trump phone call. 

I'll also try to get the first edition of the theory reading out tomorrow for patrons. 

Lastly, if any of y'all have any suggestions of patron exclusive content that you'd like to see in the future don't hesitate to let us know in the comments. 

Looking forward to the New Year and Left Reckoning, 

David + Matt  



I am really excited for this launch... and I really hope in the Patreon content or in the open videos, there is space for some humour as there was at TMBS...


As someone who only recently has begun to regularly follow current political events, I find that I often am lacking in the details and arguments that justify my support of socialized services such as universal healthcare or tuition-free university, or, more generally, socialism in the sense of democracy in the workplace. I understand WHY I support these movements and their benefits, but I don't necessarily have all of the evidence to support what makes them economically feasible (without resorting to just generally saying you could raise taxes). If you guys could produce a less frequent series, maybe monthly, or quarterly, that picks a socialized service or institution within socialism and covers your take on its significance, benefits, and feasibility, I think that would be really informative and useful for people like me. Now, this may sound like asking someone to do my homework, but sadly, this type of information seems to be the hardest to find on the internet or in the media! A cost-benefit analysis of these services is far less common than surface level pieces that only discuss the "why" and not the "how" that appeal mainly to emotions (on either side).


Also, I realize I never made it clear that I love your content and am so happy you guys are launching this show!