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Hey ya'll Matt Lech & David Griscom will be doing a Left Reckoning stream tonight at 7 EST - on our Youtube channel. 



So McConnell came out today saying he won’t decouple a vote for $2,000 stimulus checks from the other two issues Trump cried about (investigation into voter fraud, etc.)—McConnell’s framing is funny and just shows how much more adept he is at politicking than Pelosi or Schumer—but, fortunately, Sanders is good at it, too. ( McConnell said something along the lines of, “We’re not going to separate these issues just because the Democrats are afraid to address the other two.” He’s such a vulture.) But my question is: Do you think McConnell will be successful in keeping $2,000 checks from a vote? Or does Sanders’s filibuster have a chance to allow enough pressure to come to bear in time?