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Hey ya'll, 

Heads up I'll be doing a Griscom stream on our Youtube channel tomorrow at 6 EST, I'll be taking questions from the Youtube chat and Discord but if you'd like ask anything in advance post it in the comments below and I'll try my best to get to it. 

All the best, 




HI, I became a fan of Michael Brooks upon hearing of him shortly prior to his death and I've been a fan of TMBS since then (non-Patron), so when Left Reckoning launched I signed up as soon as I could. Just wanted to say thanks for being my gateway into Marxism and socialism, as well as being a more conscientious consumer of media and journalism. As several pharmaceutical giants are now positioned to begin shipping millions of doses of the first vaccines to be developed for COVID-19, the mainstream media debate is predictably focused on which wealthier nations have the infrastructure and logistical capabilities to get the vaccine to those who need it. As a Canadian I'm aware that the federal government has placed orders with several companies for enough of the vaccine to inoculate the population 3 times over. I'd like to get your take on the issue of "vaccine hoarding" by wealthier nations, the COVAX Facility which Canada signed onto and its disadvantages, and why the countries funding these pharma giants to find a vaccine didn't get more bang for their buck. Thanks again for providing clear and detailed analysis of current and historical events in a Marxist perspective!


What’s your read on the Movement for a People’s Party and do you see it as a viable organization going forward?