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Hey y’all,

Thank you so much for your support it has meant a lot to us. This Monday at 7 EST we will be doing our first live think tank, so get your questions in the  comments below and Matt and I will do our best to get through to them! The think tank will be public but we wanted to make sure to get to patron questions first.

Look out for the link to our YouTube stream on Monday.

Here are all the ways you can follow us and also a link to our Youtube channel.

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCerkndrD3Z6rceekc4emVpA

Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/leftreckoning

Instagram @leftreckoning 

Twitter @leftreckoning

Facebook Left Reckoning 

Thank you all so much & solidarity,

Matt & David


Joe Snuffy

Something that I see come up a lot online is the 1619 project. I know that the right wing criticisms of it are dumb reactionary nonsense and that the left wing criticisms are valid, but whenever it comes up on any show people reference it as though everyone already understands the details. Could you guys give a quick primer on what it is, why its problematic, how to defeat the right wing criticisms, and how to succinctly express the left wing ones? Some talking points on this would help as some of the younger guys I work with are susceptible to this stuff and I'm trying to steer them away from the right.


Really enjoyed the first show. Like to get some of David's take on some of the economics we are seeing, unemployment, conditions of labor...etc and maybe some things to expect for 2021. Well unemployment skyrocket? Is UBI coming? How would a Marxist look at this and maybe some comparison of the neo-liberal economic explanation and what main stream media's take will be. Or shave the moustache live.