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Hugs 🥰. Don’t rush take the time you need to feel what you need to feel 🤗


I’m with you


Love and hugs for you bb 🫂💖

J Rose

Leaving a relationship when u love someone is so hard to do. Been through that as well. It takes lots of time to heal from that. But I don't regret it because I learned and got a new life and new loves. I'm sure you will do great with whatever you decide to do in the future.


My day has been spectacular because life is super awesome! Embrace the fear and find courage. I promise it will get so much better than it feels right now. Your emotions are a reflection of the love you felt/feel for him and try to find joy in the fact that you might be still friends and you won’t lose the conversation part of your relationship. Cry as hard as your emotions want you to for a day and move on to find yourself again. We believe in you!


Oooof been there very very recently. There's gonna be small stuff that'll take you by surprise emotionally. Important to just feel it as it comes, and talk that stuff out with him if you can to get closure, if only in little bits at a time.


heartbreak is so hard. ride those waves. feel those feels. you’ll reach the other side, trust. sending love tyson 💞


Do what you feel. Do what you need. Screw everyone else. It’s rough and it sucks but promise you’ll get there. Decent people get decent lives there way always xx


Wait tea? So the iconic garage background will no longer be in the videos ? 😭


Stay Strong and keep focus on the great things the future holds for you. Someday you will look back and be grateful for how this time got you to your next step in life. Big Hugs, and lots of love!! 🫂


Ahh thanks so much. It’s incredibly difficult right now but I hope future Tyson is proud of me ❤️


I’m sorry. Hope you’re ok ❤️ and ya it’s just so hard because there are still a lot of feeling for each other 😭


I think it’s the hardest type of breakup when you still love each other so much 😭


When you move the energy will shift so much. Heartbreak won't fade so quickly but the new environment and energy switch will help so much in helping you establish your new normal!

Samuel Davis

I will miss the place where you most often recorded, your garage. You've set up a nice office there. It was your private space. It's a pity I won't see this place again 😭