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Hey guys :) you might have noticed I’ve been a little less active. I had some friends and family visiting for like a week so it’s been hard to find time to film and what not. But it was nice to have a little break! Me and my friend Christian went to a ghost town here in AZ and had so much fun went on mine tours. Rode zip lines. Went on photoshoots. It was fun times haha there’s also a pic of me and my siblings and my mom. I feel like I ever really post about my family but yaaaa haha that’s them haha. Felt cute and cringey. Won’t delete later haha. Will be back on a regular filming schedule again 😁 hope y’all are doing well!




Alright for those arm day gains coming through in these shots. Glad you got a break in. It's 30 degrees here today. I'm really wishing I was back in the West. Miss Winter's just getting started. :(


Ahh thanks so much! :) 💪 she been working out lol. And I’m sorry! I hate the cold... miss winter is a lil hoe. Hope you’re doing good boo 🥰