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Hello guys. I just wanted to let you know that, though there is a road ahead, my amazing friend Penny has pulled through the storm and is stable and improving every day. Thank you so much for your words of support, thoughts and prayers. <3


Hello guys. Some of you may be familiar with the crazy last few years of my life. I had something of a breakdown and became homeless. Long story short, a beautiful, crazy lady took me in, gave me somewhere to work and recover from my trauma and became one of my best friends. She is currently in hospital having suffered multiple strokes. Everything is in the balance and completely uncertain. She's called Penny and she's one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Please pray or keep Penny in your thoughts at the moment. She's given me a home and become one of my best friends.

The hospital called last night to say she'd had another stroke and we were told to head up there to say our goodbyes, as she wasn't expected to last the night. We (her partner, her son, his girlfriend and myself) rushed back to the hospital to find out they had got the wrong patient, and while she has had another stroke, her condition is stable. But everything is in the balance.

Please pray for this beautiful woman, or keep her in your thoughts. The universe is a strange thing and maybe if we all believe she can get through this, she'll have a chance.

Thanks for reading this. Please pray for Penny or keep her in your thoughts. She has given me a home and been my rock the past two years, she is loved by everyone who meets her. She loves my morph art and never even questions it, just accepts it (and me) for what it is.

I appreciate that you come here for TF art and not to hear about my personal life, but this is huge and I just need as many people to pray for this amazing lady as possible.

Thanks guys. We will hear more later this morning. Until then... come on, universe! Keep that beautiful, crazy lady alive and bring her home to her family.


Mysteries of Me

Sorry you are going through this, really hope Penny manages to pull through and recover


I’m so sorry you have to go through this. It’s so touching to see how deeply she’s taken you in and understood you and become such a close friend to you. I’m wishing the best for her ❤️


I’m praying for Penny.


She sounds like a gentle kindhearted women ❤️ May Penny return home safe, well and recovered 🙏

Richard Brown

We are people before writer and reader. And somehow, we share something more when it comes about how TF fetish might be escape from bad feelings or be itself cause of bad feelings due to discrimination and lack of comprehension. So it’s absolutely normal to share such a thing with all of us and I’m sure that everyone is dedicating a thought, a pray or anything else for Penny and, nonetheless, for you. Be strong you all. ❤️❤️


May we all be so lucky to know a Penny in our lives! I am keeping Penny in my thoughts and prayers in a special way and I know that your presence in her life gives her strength, comfort, joy, and laughs. As Julian of Norwich said, "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."


She looked in my eyes this evening and said 'i love you my big hairy brother' 😭 day at a time

Mysteries of Me

Happy to hear Penny is stable and improving


Thank you for the update! Penny is one strong woman and with her "big hairy brother" there to support her she will be back up and running sooner rather than later!