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Hello everyone, i'm sorry its been so quiet this week! I agreed to house and puppy-sit for a friend for the week and it though i had dreams of a place to myself to quietly catch up on work with a doggo sleeping by my side the reality is, alas, that so much as reaching into my bag causes the dog to jump on my face, my bag and all the hell over my equipment. I've also ended up taking on loads of other responsibilities and running round for people and my autism-o-meter is about to explode. (Those of you who know me well might know how much of a sudden change it is going from my usual humble abode to looking after a house!) it's done me good to have to be so on the ball, and doggo is a legend so its not been total hell. ...😵‍💫😵

I'm especially sorry to those who are waiting for commissions. As of tomorrow morning I'm free(eeeeeeeee!) and may need a day or so to decompress but then I will be thoroughly back on it. Even getting round to uploading new phases of the current sequence has proven difficult as i'm sure you've noticed. Apologies to all and thank you for your patience and support. Seriously you guys rock. Next phase of the the commish sequence will go up today.


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