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Hello all! I had a cheeky day off for my B-day yesterday but I'm back today with the final phase! Kaboom! I hope you liked this style and presentation. your comments are always appreciated!

-- Phase 3 is up! And our dude here is blowing up!

Here's phase 2! You can start to appreciate where this is going :D

You should be able to browse back and forth! Enjoy!

(Colours and minor designs elements might change as I complete new phases, working this way gives me a chance to tweak things!)


Yo yo yo! Here is phase one of my latest sequence! Phase two will be landing tomorrow, and will be added to this post via an edit, and so on, until all phases are uploaded. Each phase will be an individual, high quality image of its own, and will be posted in order, allowing you to browse up and down the sequence to your heart's content! I am super proud of where this is going and I hope you enjoy seeing this unfold.



Johnny Gayzmonic

He definitely looks like he could use a LOT more meat on his bones.


I love this idea! Really lets us take in each step one at a time


It lets me treat each phase as a unique piece too which is fun from my end. Each phase gets more attention too rather than just being an in between. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Next phase will be up today!


Loving how he’s coming along so far


Loving the art style!


Gosh this sequence is incredible! I had high hopes from the sketch but you’ve managed to exceed them, this is just excellent.


Well happy birthday! The sequence turned out great! I like the idea of posting one piece at a time. Like I said before, it allows each part of the sequence to get a spot in the spotlight and helps build anticipation of the next post

Mysteries of Me

This was really fun and a nice call back to how you used to release your sequences. I think this release model works well helps build anticipation and also lets the different phases breath.


An excellent finale, worth the wait! And Happy Birthday!


Awesome! 😁