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Hello my loves. I'm so sorry for the quiet month so far, I've been unwell. I'm finally settled after a few years of living with no fixed abode. I still live in what is considered 'inadequate' accommodation, but I'm happy and I'm able to work. (no running water but I do have electricity!) Unfortunately, now I am settled, the hitherto unprocessed traumas that I let control me for so many years and which ended up with my being homeless (a choice of sorts, but not the choice of a well man) are rearing their ugly head and I'm dealing with things one at a time. 

I am determined to get through this, to continue working on myself and to continue to get stronger, so that when the time comes I am ready to take on the challenge of living alone and being self sufficient. 

The city council have deemed that I am 'just autistic and fussy' (their words) and refuse to provide me any help, even though there is increasing evidence to suggest undiagnosed or late diagnosed ASD is significantly overrepresented by the homeless population. So for the foreseeable future I live in a garage with no indoor plumbing and no official support.

I'm also struggling with increasingly unreliable equipment, much of which has lived in my bag with me when I was street homeless, and had a slightly more exciting day to day life than most warranties tend to cover. It's hard to work myself out of a hole when my tablet gives me electric shocks and turns itself off at random, and this has knocked me endlessly. I'm trying to raise funds for new equipment, so if you guys have any suggestions (I know there are like tip jar things and stuff but I don't know where to start.)

I think it is important that I own that all this is the consequence of choices that I made a few years back when I ended a decade long co-dependant relationship and basically lost the plot. I lost everything I owned and most of my friends, who were quick to turn their back once they saw me selling the Big Issue with a roll mat on my back. "Why don't you live with your parents?" That wasn't an option for me.

However one huge plus to come out of all this is that I reconnected with my family, who I had grown apart from as is so often the case in long term, controlling relationships. 

I have learned to be strong and self sufficient, two things that I could not have said before. I don't regret anything I've been though, other than that it means less TF for everyone. It is what it is and It's made me into who I am today. Despite the blips, I'm doing ok. Really well in fact. I'm learning to love and respect myself and self validate a little more every day.

I should have work to upload in the next week, as I am getting back on my feet after a real walloper.

Thank you so much for your support through what has been a strange, unexpectedly educational and character building few years. I'm sorry for what is probably a very random, self indulgent, rambling post. 

I don't like oversharing too much on here but I wanted to share with you all where I am and how I'm doing. Please stick with me and help me to continue to sort myself out so I can make artwork all day every day.

Anyway. Sorry for the whiny post. Thank you for your understanding and support. I know this won't make up for a lack of TF but I wanted to at least reach out. 

Keep your eyes peeled. There is work on the way!

And thank you once again x




Mysteries of Me

You've been through a rough few years, but I've always been impressed by how you keep getting up and keep going


You're an amazing guy, you've got this!


Maybe we could help you chip in for portable stove, pots, and kitchen essentials (we Asians use giant chopsticks instead of a spatula or spoon to stir or flip) and for food if you want


This is harrowing and your resilience is genuinely moving. I concur with the above that if you have a registry for essentials, I'd be happy to check it out! Best wishes to you.

Anthony Williams

All the best through everything, wishing you success and safety through it all!


It’s going to be rough, knowing that i’ve dealt with it myself as well but know that at some point it’ll be in the distant past~ You’re really strong and, I still don’t know how the hell you did it, hahaha! But also know that you’re not alone either! If you need a shoulder to lean on you know I’m usually around! ❤️


Thank you for the super cool wishes :). I'm gonna wish that for all of us too :)


Oh bless you, haha it has been a crazy few years. I'm ok for essentials, thanks entirely to you guys support on here, it is my income!


Thank you for the kind thoughts! I'm ok for essentials thank you, I have been collecting things whilst staying where I'm currently staying and the income I make from my Patreon is enough to keep me fed, clothed and functioning! (I use chopsticks for everything even though I'm 50000% British (citation needed) I prefer them to knife and fork for most food.


I've totally got this, cheers for the positivity Rowan :D. We got this guys!