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What started as an anatomical study ended up being quite a dramatic little sequence. Or large? Anyway. I hope you enjoy! (Jokes on the caster... Sadie loves big guys!)

Hope you're all doing ok given the apocalypse an' all. Stay positive and enjoy the little moments. Life is precious!




Oh I really like this one. Fantastic job and I love how you played with height and proportion a lot with this one.


this new style is looking very good, a nice balance between realistic and toony

Mysteries of Me

Haha I love that the caster tried to sabotage him only to increase Sadie's attraction to him instead. I have the feeling he'll supersize himself, once he realizes Sadie's a chaser.


I’m gonna need to talk to his friend about this~ Ohh, a different mix of styles~ nice!


Wonderful work, Futo! Love this one.