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Hi guys. After a totally failed attempt to go through the Great British benefit system I am more homeless and more broke than ever. A very kind soul has let me use their garage to work in. I’m not promising x amount a week at this point, but I will creating and uploading TF related work again. There’s already stuff in the works - including my first proper comic!

So stay tuned, tell your friends, Futo’s creating again! Woohoo!



Glad to see you back and I hope everything works out


Thoughts to you bud! They do not make 'help' easy to get!


I think it’s time for you to find out when you’re MP is having a surgery day and go see them.


Be well and take care of yourself, first and foremost! It is good to see you back and posting!


Rooting for you! Take care of yourself, especially with winter coming.


I'm just gonna carry on doing things my own way, like I did before the offer of 'help'....