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Hello one and all. First of all I would like to apologise that things have been quiet.

My situation has changed dramatically, and very suddenly, for several reasons.

I've been signed off work indefinitely, and have a team fighting to get me accommodation with one on one mental health support. I don't want to bore you with the details of my personal life, but this is a god send and for the first time in a long time I have hope of a stable future in which I will receive the help I should have got since I was a child. I have been homeless for three years, on and off, and though I have tried desperately to be independent and live off my art, I have been unable to balance a chaotic lifestyle and crumbling mental health with producing work for this page. 

I had hoped reducing my output and taking some of the pressure off would be enough, but I simply cannot make commitments to anybody any more.

As part and parcel of this process, I have had to bend over for the Great British welfare system and take it well and truly up the pooper. 

I have paused billing for August as I pretty much can't earn anything from this point forward. As Patreon doesn't allow a free option (and I don't want my work to be public) I will have to have a think about the future of where I'm going to post my art. But for now, the page is running and billing has been suspended.

I'm so sorry to those of you who signed up this month, or pledged an annual subscription. I can only thank all of you for your support in what is an incredibly difficult, demoralising and stressful time. There is a light at the end of the tunnel: Somewhere of my own to call home and dedicated mental health support - at which point - but not before I'm absolutely ready - I hope to be able to transition back into self employment. Until then I will absolutely still be working, and sharing my work with you all. Perhaps the release of pressure will even result in a flurry of new and exciting art.

Thanks everyone for your support, and sorry that the dream has ended so suddenly. I'll need my friends and community more than ever, and I will come back with a vengeance when the time is right. Until then, it's time to deal with something I've put off dealing with for 20 years... myself.

The isn't the end!


Johnny Gayzmonic

Dealing with yourself needs to come first. Your fans will follow you and wait for you through whatever situation you find yourself in. We'd rather you focus on taking care of yourself first and foremost. The art will come when it comes, and we'll be waiting.


We will always support you and wait for your return! Thank you for creating many wonderful works these days.😊


Best of luck! This isn't the end of anything.


Take care of yourself. I know you're in a tough spot, but you have people in your corner. In the end, your welfare matters most. Take all the time you need. 💙


Do what's best for you. As a good friend of mine told me, there's a reason airlines tell you to put your own mask on before helping others with theirs. I think OnlyFans has a free option. Just throwing that out there if you want to consider it. All the best.

David J. Brick

Take all the time you need. Mental health is important!


I'm just happy I've been able to support you and your art in this small way. Take care of yourself, I'll still be here when you're ready to come back.


I did just rejoin and I do hope you still get this months pledge. One of my best friends was in a similar situation as an artist (homeless, struggling, battling) and I'm happy to help. Sending love and best wishes.


I wish you luck on your journey and hope you for all the best (if I may as well, a Discord server may be an option for postong art in a closed environment)