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Hey guys. I've been suffering from a severe case of artist block since finishing the last animation. I can't seem to draw anything that excites me enough to carry on to completion. Let's talk TF ideas! Help me get inspired :D



I was thinking of maybe revisiting some classic deviantart sequences and revamping/animating them.. What do you reckon?

James Newland

Lately I've been vibeing on the whole concept of used car lots. Taking that new employee and rounding him out. Also who isn't just a little bit hot for danny devito.


Sounds good. How about going over and make a list of all your favorite themes and character vocation ( sumos, plumber, mechanic, FBI agents ). Maybe making a list / spider diagram might help figure stuff out for ya. Also y not a tf involving the men in black pen thing.

Mysteries of Me

I like this idea, also showcases the changes in your approach between now and then

Mysteries of Me

I think going back to your older stuff for inspiration is a good idea and probably your best option. But in case that also doesn't help here are a few rough themes/ideas that might help inspire something: - someone's being hired as a more literal replacement for someone else. - A wish granted literally - Going somewhere you shouldn't and being changed into someone that belongs there (private property, staff room etc.) - Consequences of messing with something that isn't yours


Could always do some more video game character related tfs! I'd love to see you do a Wario tf sometime!

Steven Graham

An army recruitment drive where young recruits hulk out into mature, powerlifter built veterans complete with uniforms?


If you want to be seasonal, with summer in the northern hemisphere beginning soon you can explore people getting their beach bods ready. I imagine a couple of buddies growing out in different ways. One getting big and fat and the other into a hulked out body builder.


Super cool idea!!


I am currently full aspergers about mind maps and mind mapping software this is a fantastic idea


I think one of my first ever sequences was a sleazy car salesman I might revisit the used car lot!


I do want to but I’m a bit worried about Patreon’s copyright situation. I figured it’s basically fan art but even still. I will have to do some further research because you know I LOVE a character TF ❤️


One of my first morph animations (specifically the second?) was a military one definitely needs revisited!!


A Hotel California situation where guests are transformed into whatever employees the resort is short on. Cooks, Concierges, Maintenance men, etc


Ooh fun! You can check out any time you like but you can never leave

Steven Graham

You could have full moon transformations or revisit the transformation drinks series.


I've been thinking about both of these ideas on and off, so good shout! I've always wanted to do a classic full moon TF but into some sort of Futo style TF outcome. And the drinks is very much a possibility!


Since summer is coming up, I thought of a “Christmas in July” TF where a fit young guy at the pool turns into a massive Santa, showing off in a red Speedo