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 This took... forever. And I enjoyed every second of it! I hope you do too :) I'm going to be focusing on technique, style, expression, pose and anatomy for a while, so the narrative side of things might be a little thinner, but I hope to create work where the story that matters is being told through the subject themselves, how they move and emote. Adding the narrative over the top has become a bit of a crutch for me in the last few years... When I first started the reason I didn't tend to do that is because it was all about the subject's physical and mental transition and I guess this is what my very recent work is about, with the addition of a focus on anatomy and personality and exploring new techniques.

Slightly self indulgent ramble there, I hope you'll forgive an artist for geeking out ^_^;

Now to start work on the animated version for my beautiful beans!

Shout out to my cru TSquared, Mysteries and RTrose for listening to me ramble incessantly about my work lately, and for your amazing and much appreciated input!

As always, thanks for supporting my work and helping me grow and develop as an artist! Please let me know what you think! :) 



Mysteries of Me

Really been enjoying these recent sequences you can tell there's a change in your approach


I love that expression change! From confusion to dimwitted bliss. Dreamy!!


Gosh, he looks wonderful 😍


My favorite of yours so far, this is perfection. I love his relaxed stare and how masculine he becomes.


Focusing on the subject and telling the story by how they move and emote reminds me of a popular meme in this 2021 moment. We could adapt it here as "Tell me you've undergone a body-mind transformation without telling me you've undergone a body-mind transformation." Your artwork does exactly that! Fantastic stuff!