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this weeks sequence is a classic revenge TF because quite frankly I love my TF served with just desserts!

hope you’re all well in these crazy, uncertain times. most of the UK is in or going into extreme lock down (again) though where I live is currently exempt. take care everyone x




Its the holidays. Dad guts all around

Mysteries of Me

I know he deserved it, but i kinda feel sorry for him at the end. Hopefully he learns from this

Johnny Gayzmonic

I'm agreeing with Mysteries. I love this, but I do feel bad for the guy. Hopefully someone can show him that fat guys can have a lot of fun, too.


Now if we could only see what happen to the other guy at the same time 🤔 Great work i always love a good revenge tf ^.^


What do they say? Learning is growth? Or is it the other way around? In any case, there's a lot of learning and a lot of growth going on in this guy's life!

David J. Brick

He'll learn his lesson and be changed back or he'll learn to like being a daddy bear fatty. Great sequence!