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Nothing like a wrathful revenge TF >:D

I have an absolute fascination with ball bellies sticking out of suit jackets, and I think this might be the closest I've ever got to expressing that... Probably accompanied by a "pshhhhhhhhhh" sound effect as it expends haha!


I accidentally gave away a free month to existing subscribers, which is my fault - but it has left me up shit creek without the rent. Three of you have been kind enough to donate something so far. No amount is too small. Please consider helping me out this month. Thank you.



James Newland

I do very much love the idea of a body type being specific to a promotion :) Got to fit in with the big cats.

Mysteries of Me

Sounds like he'll be fitting in with his team better like this, which is always good for a manager.


Gotta agree: ball bellies in tight button-down shirts sticking out of suite jackets are amazing.


Love the story here! The guy’s physical experience of changing really comes through. And a very realistic outcome for the young man, although I’m sure he wishes it hadn’t have happened so soon hehe I always love the concept of the bully not being altered beyond his actual future changes as he ages. Really forces them to take a look at themselves and face the future, not just attribute all of their changes to being ‘forcibly tfed’ by someone into being something they would not have otherwise experienced.

Alex Logan

Definitely agree with you on the forced tf and having to suffer the consequences instead of changing personalities.

Alex Logan

I'm so glad you're doing better Futo! And thanks for making everything one tier I didn't realize I was missing so many good sequences only paying the 5$ a month. Best 5 dollars I spend every month

chris d

Is that "Psssshhhh" noise the sound of his belly inflating...or his ego deflating? Between this and the police punk sketches, I love situations where the smart-aleck younger guys get a big slice of humble pie, courtesy of their older, wiser counterparts. That gym-toned body is never coming back, but I like to think, down the line, he and the guy who transformed him will see eye to eye. They even become friends. They go out for a drink one night....and a young man sitting across from them makes a crack about the old folks in his bar. The two of them trade a knowing glance, and the humbled pretty boy laughs "Carl! Don't go too hard on him!" And with a devilish gleam in his eye, Carl the accountant mutters something under his breath, and a small paunch begins to push out against the young man's shirt, growing larger by the second...