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New sketches for Patreons. thanks for your support




HEEEEEEEEEEEY, its great that you reach your mile stone and you released new sketches but some of them are already in color or already was in the sketch, i dont want to be a little ingrate but can you for the future double check if you reposted some stuff or maybe add an ALTERNATE sketch idea with some minor changes? anyway since you reached a milestone cant wait to see what you have in store next :) i tried, note "TRIED" to support you on twitter though not sure if anyone really gave a look


hi thanks for your support. I repeated sketches because some Patreon had problems with Dropbox and asked me if I could go back to hang them on the page. I'm working on exclusive projects Patreons, I hope you enjoy them. a cordial greeting.


oh, well then thats another story. well good luck


Many look great and promsing, thanks for sharing!


I need to peruse these!